Data Sufficiency Practice Questions has all the different kinds of questions that you require to practice for a great score. After going through this section you will get the required practice for all exams. Let us begin.
Data Sufficiency Practice Questions
This section consists of problems in which a question on any topic such as Coding-Decoding, Puzzle Test, Blood Relations, Mathematical calculations etc., is put forward, followed by certain statements containing facts providing clues to solve the question. The candidate is required to find out which of the given statements is/are sufficient to answer the given question.
Type 1
Directions: Each question given below has a problem and two statements numbered I and II giving certain information. You have to decide if the information given in the statements is sufficient for answering the problem. Indicate your answer as:
(а) if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question;
(b) the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question;
(c) if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question;
(d) the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question;
(e) if the data in both the statements together are needed.
Q1:Â What is Reena’s rank in the class? (Bank P.O. 1995)
I. There are 26 students in the class.
II. There are 9 students who have scored less than Reena.
Q2: Who is the father of M? (S.B.I.P.O. 1994)
I. A and B are brothers.
II. B’s wife is the sister of M’s wife.
Q3: What day is the fourteenth of a given month?
I. The last day of the month is a Wednesday.
II. The third Saturday of the month was seventeenth.
Q4: Among four friends A. B, C and D, who is the heaviest?
I. B is heavier than A but lighter than D.
II. C is lighter than B.
Q5: It is 8.00 p.m., when can Hemant get next bus for Ramnagar from Dhanpur?
I. Buses for Ramnagar leave after every 30 minutes, till 10 p.m.
II. Fifteen minutes ago, one bus has left for Ramnagar. (Bank P.O. 1897)
Q6: In a certain code 413% means ‘stop smoking1 and ’59’ means ‘injurious habit’. What is the meaning of 49* and ‘5’ respectively in that code?
I. 4157′ means 4stop bad habit’.
II. 4839′ means ‘smoking is injurious’.
Q7: How many speeches were delivered in the two days’ programme?
I. 18 speakers were invited to give at least one speech, out of which one-sixth of the speakers could not come.
II. One-third of the speakers gave two speeches each. (Bank P.O. 1997)
Q8: What is the birthdate of Sonali’s mother? (Bank P.O. 1995)
I. Sonali’s father remembers that his wife’s birthday is after 20th and before 23rd February.
II. Sonali’s brother remembers that their mothers birthday was after 21st but before 25th February.
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Q1: (e), Q2: (d), Q3: (b), Q4: (e), Q5: (e), Q6: (c), Q7: (e), Q8: (e).
Type 2
Directions (Questions below): In each of the following problems, there is one question and three statements I, II and III, given below the question. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read all the statements carefully and find out that probable pair which can be sufficient to answer the question. Anyone such alternative which contains the statement or a pair of statements sufficient to answer the question will be your answer.
For example if only statement I is sufficient to answer the question, then statements I and II together should not be accepted as the answer to the question. Remember out of the three statements, each of them alone can also be sufficient to answer the question. In such cases for example, if your answer should be taken as Only I or Only II or Only III and not Only I.
Q 1: Pankaj is younger than Sunita and Rupali is older than Tom. Who among them is the oldest?
I. Rupali is older than Pankaj.
II. Sunita is older than Rupali.
III. Tom is the youngest among all.
(a) Only II (b) Only III (c) I and II together (d) I, II and III all together (e) None of these
Q2: What does ‘come’ represent in a code language? (S.B.I.P.0.1997)
I. ‘pit na tac means ‘come and go’ in that code language.
II. ja ta da’ means you are good’ in that code language.
III. na da rac’ means you can come’ in that code language,
(a) I and II together (6) II and III together (c) I and III together (d) I, II and III altogether (e) None of these
Q3: Five persons — A, B, C, D, and E are sitting in a row. Who is sitting in the middle?
I. B is between E and C.
II. B is to the right of E.
III. D is between A and E.
(a) I and II together (b) II and III together (c) I and III together (d) I, II and III together (e) None of these
Q4: What is the total monthly salary of Vasu? (S.B.I.P.0.1995)
I. Vasu’s basic salary is Rs 100 more than Rajan s salary who also serves in Vasu’s company.
II. Other allowances are drawn by Rajan besides his basic salary are Rs 2000 per month which is Rs 50 less than Vasu’s salary.
III. Rajan’s basic salary is Rs 1550 per month.
(a) II only (b) IIIand II together (c) II and I together (d) I and III together (e) I, II and III together
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Q1: (a), Q2: 9c), Q3: (d), Q4: (d), Q5: (e)
Most answer I guess were wrong. Like Last 3 questions.