
What is Chemical Energy? – Definition and Examples

Chemical Energy

You must all know that we possess some kind of energy that helps us in getting through the day. The simple tasks you do on a daily basis require some amount of energy. Similarly, we refer to this energy as chemical energy. It releases when bonds are formed in a chemical reaction. It may be either exothermic or endothermic.

Definition of Chemical Energy

When you look at it from a scientific perspective, chemical energy happens due to a chemical reaction as a kind of potential energy. The bonds of atoms and molecules which constitute a substance store this chemical energy.

Furthermore, a completely new substance forms whenever this chemical energy is released from the earlier substance. Thus, chemical energy may be endothermic when energy gets absorbed in the form of heat from the environment.

Similarly, exothermic is when the energy releases from the system in the environment. Therefore, always remember that absorption of heat is endothermic and production of heat is exothermic.

chemical energy

Examples of Chemical Energy

You must have seen sources of fuel-burning like natural gas or even wood. The heat and light which it produces upon burning are known as the chemical energy.

As the wood transforms into ash after it finishes burning, it creates a new substance, thus it serves as an example of this.

Similarly, when you cook food, you notice that you require gas or electricity to heat up or cook your meals, thus it is an example of chemical energy.

Furthermore, the burning of fossil fuels takes place every day to generate electricity, thus chemical energy also happens here.

Human Body

As we have discussed earlier, the human body requires chemical energy for performing day to day tasks. The food you intake comprises of calories and upon digestion, energy releases.

Thus, the molecules which are present in your food break down in small pieces. Similarly, when the bonds between the atoms break or loosen, oxidation happens.

Thus, your body is supplied with warmth through the chemical reaction involved indigestion. This, in turn, helps you to maintain and repair your body, giving it sufficient energy to perform tasks.


Similar to the human body, plants also require this energy. They use it to carry out photosynthesis with the help of sunlight as well for making food.

Thus, solar energy during photosynthesis converts to chemical energy. This energy produced stores in the form of glucose of sugar.

Types of Chemical Reactions

There are various types of chemical reactions that exist. We can mainly divide them into six types which are:

Synthesis– This happens when two simple substances combine together to create a complex matter.

Combustion– Over here, oxygen combines with the other materials so it can change into water and carbon dioxide to release heat.

Single Displacement– This process happens during a chemical reaction when some atoms from one substance transfer to another substance.

Double Displacement– Atoms of a particular substance exchange with atoms in another substance, then this takes place.

Decomposition– Over here, the chemical reaction results in breaking down of a complex substance into simpler substances.

Acid-base– This reaction is quite similar to a double replacement chemical reaction. It happens with the involvement of an acid and a base.

Solved Question for You

Question– Which of the following is not an example of chemical energy?

A. Wood burning
B. Movement of waves
C. Cooking food
D. Fossil fuel burning

Answer– The correct answer is option B.

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