Do you get stuck in tracking the record of your own daily transactions? Think of some big firms which handle it every day on a huge scale. They make it simpler by properly keeping all the accounts. So, let’s dive deep into the following chapters of accountancy to learn how they actually do it:
- Accounting for Not-for-Profit Organisations
- Accounting for Share Capital
- Accounting for Partnership: Basic Concepts
- Analysis of Financial Statements
- Accounting Ratios
- Accounting System Using Database Management System
- Accounts from Incomplete Records
- Application of Computers in Accounting
- Bank Reconciliation Statement
- Bill of Exchange
- Cash Flow Statement
- Computerised Accounting System
- Depreciation, Provision and Reserves
- Dissolution of Partnership Firm
- Elements of Book Keeping and Accountancy
- Financial Statements
- Financial Statements of a Company
- Introduction to Accounting
- Issue and Redemption of Debentures
- Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm- Admission of a Partner
- Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm- Retirement/ Death of a Partner
- Recording Transactions
- Structuring Database for Accounting
- Theory Base of Accounting
- Trial Balance and Rectification of Errors