Challenges to Democracy

What are the Challenges of Democracy?

We often see people fighting for their rights. Why do they have to do this even though we are a part of a democratic society? Is democracy the best way to run a country? What are the limitations and the challenges faced in the democracy? Let’s find out more about Challenges to Democracy.

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Introduction to Democracy

The word ”democracy” comes from the Greek word demos, which means “common people” and Kratos, which means strength. The term “democracy” first appeared in ancient Greek political and philosophical thought in the city-state of Athens during the classical antiquity. It was found in  508–507 BC by the Athenians and it was led by Cleisthenes. Cleisthenes is also known as the ”the father of Athenian democracy”.


Democracy is a system of government in which the citizens exercise power directly or elect representatives from among themselves to form a governing body, such as a parliament. It is also known as ”rule of the majority”. The power can’t be inherited in democracy. People elect their leaders. Representatives stand in an election and the citizens vote for their representative. The representative with the most number of votes gets the power.

Understand the concept of Federalism here in detail.

Challenges of Democracy

Some of the challenges of democracy are as follows:

Corruption and Inefficiency

In many democratic countries, the political leaders, officers, tend to be corrupt, dishonest and inefficient. They ask for the bribe. This results in lack of trust of the citizens. This affects the working of democracy in the country very badly.

What are the Outcomes of Democracy? Learn here in detail.

Role of Anti-Social Elements

The role of anti-social elements arises during the elections. A lot of people are forced or bribed to vote for a particular candidate or party. Rigging also takes place during elections.

 Growing Economic and Social Inequalities Among People

There is a lot of socioeconomic inequalities amongst the people. Although all the citizens have the right to vote and fight elections only rich people have a chance to win the election.

Casteism and Communalism

During elections, a large number of voters give weight to the caste and religion of the candidate. Political parties also keep in mind the caste or religion of a person while distributing tickets for the election. Representatives elected on the basis of caste or religion work for the welfare of the people belonging only to their caste or religion.

Understand the concept of Diverse Democracy here.

Question For You

Q1. Which of the following is needed for the success of democracy?

  1. Regionalism
  2. Casteism
  3. Linguism
  4. Literacy

Sol: The correct answer is the option ”d”. The greatest defect in the working of democracy lies in the fact that the masses in whom the power is vested are mostly uneducated, in the third world countries. They do not properly compre­hend the political problems of their country and the value of their votes.

Lack of consciousness is dangerous in a democracy. Without a spirit of reasonableness, democracy is bound to degenerate into mob rule. This defect can be remedied by universal education and wide dissemination of knowledge.

Q2. Most of the established democracies face the ___________

  1. Challenge of expansion.
  2. Foundational challenge.
  3. Democratic challenge.
  4. The challenge to fundamental rights.

Sol: The correct answer is the option ”a”.

  • The three main challenges are the foundational challenge, the challenge of expansion, and the challenge of deepening of democracy.
  • The challenge of expansion involves applying the basic principle of democratic government across all the religions, different social groups, and various institutions.
  • Greater power should be given to local governments.
  • Federal principles have to be extended to all the units of the federation.
  • Women and minority groups should be included in the decision-making process.
  • Most countries like the USA and India face this type of challenge
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Challenges to Democracy
  • What are the Challenges of Democracy?

5 responses to “What are the Challenges of Democracy?”

  1. Prathamesh Santosh Surve says:

    Please give in Marathi plzz

  2. Prathamesh Santosh Surve says:

    Please give this only in Marathi. Plzzzz

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Challenges to Democracy
  • What are the Challenges of Democracy?

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