We look around and find different types of objects around us. All these have their own identity and property thus information about them around us is important to realise the properties. To explore more about the objects around us read this article!!
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Objects around us are all kinds of objects and thus identifying them is important. Doors, fans, ball, book, pen, pencil, table are few objects which are around us. All these differ from one another by some properties. Every object we use is made to fulfil some purpose for us. Usage of each object depends on their properties and purpose.
For example, a ball is an object to fulfil the need of a child playing, an AC to provide coolness. Hence, we can identify the objects based on their shape, size, colour and texture.
Object Around Us
We look around and find a different kind of objects around us like fan, tube-light, pens, pencils, computes, papers, a chair, stone and many more. All these have properties of their own and it is important to know these properties. Furthermore, we can classify objects into these properties.
We look around and identify an object based on the colour, shape, size, texture and lustre of an object, accordingly cluster them into a similar objective cluster. Similar objective clusters are the cluster of objects having same property and hence we can classify them as one cluster.
Object Identification
- Colour: An object having same colour are classified into one cluster. Colour and appearance are used to classify object cluster. For example, a particular colour depicting a thing, in other words, red colour depicting danger.
- Texture: Every object posses a different kind of texture. The object cluster is made with the surface and feel of the material. For example, the surface of the material, certainly like Sand-paper and Rock
- Shape: An object of the same shape are classified into one group. Objects having the same shape are therefore classified into one object cluster. For example, objects having a similar shape, most likely to be a ball and globe.
- Lustre: An object with shine are classified into one cluster. All the objects having shine, as a result, classified into one cluster. For example, Gold and Silver.
An object is classified on these properties, as a result, these properties help in clustering the objects. We now know the property of an object and henceforth can classify then easily. In conclusion object and it’s properties are important.
A. Identify the odd man out:
- Ball Clock Gold Ring
- Sand-paper Rock Tree-brak Orange
- Gold red-mug Silver Steel
- Red-glass Rock Red-mug Red-paper
- Â Gold, it falls under lustrous object classification.
- Orange, it falls under shape object classification.
- Red-mug, it falls under colour object classification.
- Rock, it falls under texture object classification.
B. Identify the property of the object:
- Silver:
- Ball:
- Sand-paper:
- Lustre object property.
- Shape object property.
- Texture object property.
Questions for You
Q.1 Cart, wheels and plough these materials are made up of ________.
- Wood.
- Â Plastic.
- Â Metal.
- None of these.
Answer. Wood
Q.2 What is the most common (by mass) forming the planet earth?
- Oxygen.
- Â Carbon.
- Â Iron.
- Â Silicon.
Answer. Iron is most abundant in the Earth’s outer and inner core, and it is the fourth most common element in the Earth’s crust.
Q.3 Identify the material by which computers are made up of.
- Â Fibre
- Â Plastic
- Â Zinc
- Â All of above
Answer. Plastic
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