Elements of Company Law - II

Extraordinary General Meeting

An Extraordinary General Meeting (an EGM) can be defined as a meeting of shareholders which is not an Annual General Meeting(an AGM). It is held when some urgent issue becomes about the company arises or any situation of crisis and it requires the input of all senior executives and the Board.

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Extraordinary General Meeting

As we know, an EGM is held in case of emergency situations and requires the attention of senors execs and the Board. Members, shareholders, and execs must be instructed on the purpose of the meeting so they have time to prepare their valuable input and then, collectively decide further course of action.

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Who can Call for an EGM

The members/shareholders of a company can call for an extraordinary general meeting. However, only certain members with a significant stake in the company are allowed to call for an EGM. They are listed in the Companies Act,2013 as follows.

  • In the case of a company having a share capital, members holding not less than one-tenth of such paid-up capital of the company that carry voting rights in regard to that matter as on the date of depositing the requisition;
  • In the case of a company not having a share capital, members holding not less than one-tenth of the total voting power in regard to that matter as at the date of deposit of the requisition.
  • EGM called by Board.  Upon the receival of a valid requisition, the Board has a period of 21 days to call for an EGM. The EGM must be then held with 45 days from the day of the EGM being called.
  • EGM called by the requisitionists – In case the Board fails to call for an EGM, it can be called for by the requisitionists themselves during a period of 3 months from the day the requisition was deposited. If the EGM is held within this specified period of 3 months, it can be adjourned to any day in the future after the 3 months.

extraordinary general meeting

(source – inc) 

Essentials of  a Valid Requisition

The essentials of a valid requisition are listed down below as follows:

  1. Specify the issue for which the meeting is called
  2. Signed by requisitionists; and
  3. Must be deposited at the company’s registered office.

Requirements for holding an EGM

A notice period of 21 days must be given to the members. However, there is an exception to this rule. Where if 95% of the voting members consent, the EGM can be held at a shorter notice.

Quorum Required for EGM

Unless the company’s Articles state otherwise, the following number of members are required for a quorum.

  • In the case of a public company: five members personally present; and
  • In the case of any other company: two members personally present.

Solved Question for You

Question: Who are the people who can call for an AGM?  

Answers: The members/shareholders of a company can call for an extraordinary general meeting. However, only certain members with a significant stake in the company are allowed to call for an EGM. They are listed in the Companies Act,2013 as follows.

  • In the case of a company having a share capital, members holding not less than one-tenth of such paid-up capital of the company that carries voting rights. In the case of a company not having a share capital, members holding not less than one-tenth of the total voting power.
  • EGM called by Board
  • EGM called by the Requisitionists
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