CBSE Class 12 Biology Revision Notes

CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 – Evolution Class 12 Notes

Evolution Class 12 CBSE Revision Notes

Amongst the Millions of galaxies, Earth is the only planet that can sustain life. Furthermore, the evolution of life is one of the unique events in the history of the universe. Thus, this chapter deals with several theories that explain the evolution of life. For instance, the Big Bang theory which occurred millions of years ago. Some scientists believe that life came from outer space. While some believe that humans evolved from animals. Consequently, all these theories, the changes, and steps in the evolution of life forms of biodiversity on the planet Earth. It discusses in detail all this in evolution notes. This chapter gives an understanding of the context of evolution notes over the years.

You must have heard of the theories given by Charles Darwin regarding evolution. This chapter dives deep into the same. In addition, the change which has taken place over the years in certain theories will also be explained here. Thus, evolution notes are going to be very useful in studying the fascinating science of evolution and their changes during the course of years.

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Sub-topics Covered Under Evolution

  • Theories of Origin and Evolution of Life-This unit explains all the theories that are debatable regarding the origin and evolution of life.
  • Stages of Evolution– Students will learn about the different processes of evolution of human life that have taken place in several stages.
  • Evidences of Evolution-Different pieces of evidence of the evolution of life are present, dead rand fossils dated from as early as thousands of years can be seen and depict life on Earth, this is what the unit will explain.

 CBSE Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 – Evolution Revision Notes – Free PDF Download

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