String operators represent the various types of operations that we can employ on the string type of the variables in the program. Moreover, python lets us apply numerous string operators on the python string and these are explained well in this article.
String Operators
Assignment operator – “=”
Concatenate operator – “+”
String repetition operator – “*”
String slicing operator – “[]”
String comparison operator – “==” & “!=”
Membership operator – “in” & “not in”
Escape sequence operator – “\”
String formatting operator – “%” & “{}”
Examples of the String Operators
Example No. 1: String Formatting Operator “%”
We use the String formatting operator for formatting a string as per the need. Moreover, for inserting a different type of variable along with the string, we use the “%” operator is along with the python string. However, “%” is prefixed to a different character which indicates the kind of value which we want to insert along with the string. Thus, some of the frequently different string formatting specifications we generally use:
%d – Signed decimal integer
%u – unsigned decimal integer
%c – Character
%s – String
%f – Floating-point real number
name = "japan"
age = 18
marks = 25.56
string1 = 'Hey %s' % (name)
string2 = 'my age is %d' % (age)
string3= 'Hey %s, my age is %d' % (name, age)
string3= 'Hey %s, my subject mark is %f' % (name, marks)
Hey japan
My age is 18
Hey japan, my age is 19
Hey india, my subject mark is 25.560000
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Example No. 2: String slicing operator “[]”
Characters from a particular index of the string are accessible with the help of the string[index] operator. Moreover, the index is interpreted as a positive index beginning from ‘0’ from the left side. However, the negative index begins from ‘-1’ from the right side.
String | H | E | L | L | O | W | O | R | L | D |
Positive index | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Negative index | -10 | -9 | -8 | -7 | -6 | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 |
string[a] – It returns a character from a positive index ‘a’ of the string. Further, it returns it from the left side as it displays in the index graph present above.
string[-a] – It returns a character from a negative index a of the string. Further, It returns it from the right side as it displays in the index graph present above.
string[a:b] – It returns characters from the positive index ‘a’ to the positive index ‘b’ as it displays in the index graph present above.
string[a:-b] – It returns characters from positive index ‘a’ to the negative index ‘b’ as it displays in the index graph present above.
string[a:] – It returns characters from the positive index ‘a’ to the conclusion.
string[:b] – It returns the characters from the beginning of the string to the positive index ‘b’.
string[-a:] – It returns the characters from the negative index ‘a’ to the conclusion of the string.
string[:-b] – It returns the characters from the beginning of the string to the negative index ‘b’.
string[::-1] – It returns a string with the inverse order.
string1 = "helloworld"
FAQs on String Operations
Question 1: What is a basic string operation?
Answer: We can use the Addition operator, “+”, to concatenate the strings together. Moreover, we use the STRING function to format the data into a string.
Question 2: In Python, can we use “==” for strings?
Answer: We can perform the Python String comparison by using the equality “==” and comparison (<, >, != , <=, >=) operators.
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