Python Examples

Python Program to Convert Kilometers to Miles

Python is a versatile programming language and easy to use. It is pre-loaded with inbuilt libraries that we can import directly to our code and use its methods. Python has multiple applications, One of the most common and basic applications is the conversion of units. For instance, We can design a program python kilometer converter that can convert any value given in kilometers to meters. In this article, We will learn how we can use python programs to convert units and we will look at some basic unit conversions such as km to m and km to miles.

python kilometer converter

                                             Source: Wikipedia



How do you convert km to m in Python?

If we want to make our python kilometer converter that converts any given kilometer value to the meter. We first need to look at the formula for it.


1 km = 1000m

Any given value in unit kilometers has to be multiplied by 1000 to convert it into meters.

Note: Make sure to use float as data type as kilometers are not necessarily integer values.

Source code


# Python kilometer converter
km = 15

# uncomment the next line to take input from a user
# km = float(input("Value in unit kilometers: "))
# converting to meters

meter = km * 1000.0
print('%0.2f km is equal to %0.2f meters' %(km,meter))



15.00 km is equal to 15000.00 meters

What is the easiest way to convert kilometers to miles?

The easiest way to convert any given kilometer value to miles in python is by defining the conversion factor.

The conversion factor is a variable in which we store the number that has to be multiplied by the given kilometer value to get the output in miles.


1 km = 0.621371 miles

We have to multiple any given value in a unit kilometer with 0.621371 to get the output in miles. Therefore the conversion factor for km to miles conversion is 0.621371.

Note: Make sure to use float as data type as kilometers are not necessarily integer values.

Source code


# uncomment the next line to take input from the user
# km = float(input("Value in unit kilometers: "))

km = 15

# defining conversion factor
conversion_factor = 0.621371

# calculate miles
miles = km * conversion_factor
print('%0.2f km is equal to %0.2f miles' %(km,miles))



15.00 km is equal to 9.32 miles

How do you convert a unit in Python?

Python provides a package of predefined functions for unit conversion called the pint package.

An efficient way to convert units using python programming without defining a conversion factor is by using the pint package.

The pint package has predefined functions which can convert any given value in any unit to the required unit.

To use the pint package in the program. We first need to import the pint module by using the import keyword and create a UnitRegistry object.

For example:

import pint

toppr = pint.UnitRegistry()

Now we can use the toppr object to call any function from the pint module for unit conversion.

For example, to convert 252 kW to Btu/day we can write:

power = 252*toppr.kW



252 kilowatt

What is the rule for converting meters to kilometers?

The rule for converting the kilometer to the meter can be found out by first understanding the formula.


1 km = 1000 m

By looking at the formula, We can understand that to convert any value inputted by the user in-unit kilometers, Can be converted into meters by multiplying it by 1000.

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