In Python characters that occupy the printing spaces on the display screen are considered as printable characters. These can be – letters, symbols, digits, punctuations, whitespaces, etc. There might arise a situation where the programmer might want to check if the coded program contains these printable characters or not. Because certain characters in Python strings cannot be printed to the console directly (file). In the Unicode Character Database, they are categorized as ‘Other’ or ‘Separator.’ For this purpose, the Python isprintable() function is provided. Let us learn more about this string handling method in the article below.
- The Python isprintable() function is an in-built function that returns the value True if all the characters in the input string are printable characters; else it returns False.
- Python isprintable() string method is used to find out if the Python input string is printable or not.
Following are the printable characters –
- Digits ( 0123456789 )
- Lowercase letters ( abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz )
- Punctuation characters ( !”#$%&'()*+, -./:;?@[\]^_`{ | }~ )
- Space ( )
Non-printable characters are those that are not visible and do not take up any printing space. Some Unicode characters, such as “Other” and “Separator,” are not printable. Non-Printable characters include all escape characters such as ‘\n’, \’t’, ‘\r’, ‘\x16’, ‘\xlf’, and so on.
isprintable() Syntax
The syntax followed by Python isprintable() is as follows:
Python isprintable() Parameters
The Python isprintable() function does not accept any parameter.
Note – If any parameter is passed to the function, Python interpreter will raise a NameError exception.
Return Value from isprintable()
The isprintable() string method returns Boolean values. They are as follows:
- True – if all the characters in the input string are printable characters.
- False – if at least one of the characters in the input string is a Non-printable character.
Example 1: Working of isprintable()
# Python program to illustrate isprintable()
txt = 'I love Python Programming'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
# empty string
txt = ' '
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
# symbols and numerics
txt = '^&* 123 Good morning'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
# new line character
txt = '\nHello World'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
I love Python Programming
Is printable? - True
Is printable? - True
^&* 123 Good morning
Is printable? - True
Hello World
Is printable? - False
Example 2: Non-printable characters
# Python program to illustrate isprintable()
txt = '\tI love Python Programming'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
txt = 'Python 199\n'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
# Unicode char for paragraph separator
txt = '\u2029'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
Is printable? - False
Is printable? - False
Is printable? - False
Example 3: How to use isprintable()?
# written using ASCII
# chr(27) is escape character & char(97) is letter 'a'
s = chr(27) + chr(97)
if s.isprintable() == True:
print('Not Printable')
s = '5+5 = 10'
if s.isprintable() == True:
print('Not Printable')
Not Printable
Example 4: Exceptions
Some characters (such as \u0066 -> f) can be considered as printable characters, whereas others (such as \u0009 -> \t) cannot be printed.
txt = 'These gifts are \u0066rom me'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
txt = 'I love \u0009o play Cricket'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
These gifts are from me
Is printable? - True
I love o play Cricket
Is printable? - False
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is printable in Python?
In Python characters that occupy the printing spaces on the display screen are considered as printable characters. These can be – letters, symbols, digits, punctuations, whitespaces, etc.
Following are the printable characters –
- Digits ( 0123456789 )
- Lowercase letters ( abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz )
- Punctuation characters ( !”#$%&'()*+, -./:;?@[\]^_`{ | }~ )
- Space ( )
On the other hand, Non-printable characters are those that are not visible and do not take up any printing space. Some Unicode characters, such as “Other” and “Separator,” are not printable. Non-Printable characters include all escape characters such as ‘\n’, \’t’, ‘\r’, ‘\x16’, ‘\xlf’, and so on.
Q2. How do you check if all the characters in a string are printable?
Python provides us with an isprintable() function that helps us to check if all the characters in a string are printable. The Python isprintable() function is an in-built function that returns the value True if all the characters in the input string are printable characters; else it returns False.
The syntax followed by Python isprintable() is as follows:
txt = 'We are going to a school trip'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
txt = 'My age is 30 and my mobile is *****9634'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
txt = '\nHello, how are you?\t'
print('Is printable? -', txt.isprintable())
Is printable? - True
Is printable? - True
Is printable? - False
Q3. How do you print %d in Python?
The %d operator is used to specify integers, decimals, or numbers as a placeholder. It enables us to print numbers contained within strings or other values. Wherever the integer is to be provided, the %d operator is used. Floating-point numbers are automatically transformed to decimal values. The decimal and rational numbers are also rounded off to the absolute integral component, and the numbers after the decimal are scraped out, leaving only the integers.
num = 28
print('My age is %d' %num)
num = 10.9323
print('Rounded off value is %d' %num)
frac = 10/3
print('Rounded off value is %d' %frac)
My age is 28
Rounded off value is 10
Rounded off value is 3
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