Python is an object-oriented programming language that may be extended and interpreted. It is capable of running a wide range of programs, from simple text processing scripts to interactive WWW browsers. Python standard library is extremely comprehensive, providing a wide range of facilities, as evidenced by the lengthy table of contents listed below. This library reference handbook describes the Python standard library as well as a number of optional library modules. Some of these modules are expressly meant to encourage and improve Python program portability by abstracting away platform-specifics into platform-neutral APIs.
Python Built-in Functions
Python built-in functions are types of functions whose functionalities are pre-defined by the programming language. The Python programming language includes a number of functions that are readily available for use. These are known as built-in functions. All of Python’s built-in functions are listed on this reference page.
Functions | Description |
abs() | Absolute value of a number is returned |
all() | Returns true when all the elements in the argument are true |
any() | Checks if any Element of an iterable is True |
ascii() | Returns String Containing Printable Representation |
bin() | Converts an integer to binary string |
bool() | Converts a Value to Boolean data type |
bytearray() | An array is returned of the specified byte size |
bytes() | This function returns an immutable bytes object |
callable() | Checks if the Object is Callable |
chr() | Returns a Character (a string) from an Integer |
classmethod() | Returns class method for a given function |
compile() | Returns a Python code object |
complex() | A Complex Number is created |
delattr() | Attribute From the Objects are deleted |
dict() | A Dictionary is created |
dir() | Tries to Return Attributes of Object |
divmod() | Returns a Tuple of Quotient and Remainder |
enumerate() | An Enumerate Object is returned |
eval() | Runs Python Code Within Program |
exec() | Executes Dynamically Created Program |
filter() | Constructs iterator from elements that are true |
float() | Returns a floating-point number from number, string |
format() | Returns formatted representation of a value |
frozenset() | Returns an immutable frozen-set object |
getattr() | Returns value of named attribute of an object |
globals() | Returns dictionary of current global symbol table |
hasattr() | This function returns whether an object has a named attribute |
hash() | This function returns a hash value of an object |
help() | This function helps to Invokes the built-in Help System |
hex() | Converts an Integer value to Hexadecimal |
id() | Returns Identify of an Object |
input() | Reads and returns a line of string |
int() | Returns an integer from a number or string |
isinstance() | Checks if an Object is an Instance of Class |
issubclass() | Checks if the Class is a Subclass of another Class |
iter() | Returns an iterator |
len() | Prints the Length of an Object |
list() | Creates a list in Python |
locals() | Returns dictionary of a current local symbol table |
map() | Applies Function and Returns a List |
max() | Returns the largest item from the iterator |
memoryview() | Returns memory view of an argument |
min() | Returns the smallest value from the iterator |
next() | Retrieves next item from the iterator |
object() | Creates a featureless object |
oct() | Prints the Octal representation of an Integer |
open() | Returns a file object |
ord() | Returns an integer of the Unicode character |
pow() | Prints the power of a number |
print() | Prints the Given Object after the program has been run |
property() | Returns the property attribute |
range() | Return sequence of integers between start and stop parameter |
repr() | Returns a printable representation of the object |
reversed() | Prints the reversed iterator of a sequence |
round() | Rounds off a number to the specified decimals |
set() | Constructs and returns a set |
setattr() | Sets the value of an attribute of an object |
slice() | Returns a slice object |
sorted() | A sorted list is returned from the given iterable |
staticmethod() | Transforms a method into a static method |
str() | Returns the string version of the object |
sum() | Adds items of an Iterable |
super() | Returns a proxy object of the base class |
tuple() | An iterator is converted into a tuple and printed |
type() | Returns the data type of the object |
vars() | Returns the __dict__ attribute |
zip() | Returns an iterator of tuples |
__import__() | Function called by the import statement |
Python Dictionary Methods
Python dictionary provides a variety of methods and functions that can be used to easily perform operations on the key-value pairs. Let us look at the Python standard library references for various dictionary methods that are listed below.
Method | Description |
clear() | Removes all the elements from the dictionary |
copy() | Returns a shallow copy of the specified dictionary |
fromkeys(seq, val) | Creates a new dictionary with keys from seq and val assigned to all the keys |
get(key) | Returns the value of the specified key |
has_key() | Returns True if the key exists in the dictionary, else returns False |
items() | Returns a list of dictionary’s items in (key, value) format pairs |
keys() | Returns a list containing all the keys in the dictionary |
pop(key) | Removes and returns an element from a dictionary having the given key |
popitem() | Removes and returns an arbitrary item (key, value). |
setdefault(key, val) | Returns the corresponding value if the key is in the dictionary. If not, insert the key with a value of val |
update() | Updates the dictionary by adding key-value pair |
values() | Returns a list containing all the values in the dictionary |
Python List Methods
The methods accessible with list objects in Python programming are listed below. They are referred to as list.method(). Now, the Python standard library references for lists are:
Methods | Description |
append() | Adds a single element to the end of the list |
clear() | Removes all the elements from the list |
copy() | Returns a shallow copy of the list |
count() | Returns the number of items specified as a parameter |
extend() | Adds multiple elements to the end of the list |
index() | Returns the index value of the first matched item |
insert() | Inserts an item at the specified index position |
pop() | Returns and removes an element at the specified index |
remove() | Removes a specified item from the list |
reverse() | Reverses the order of the entire list |
sort() | Sorts all the items in an ascending order |
Python Set Methods
Just like Python string, list, and dictionary class methods, the set() function also has different methods that are used for performing various operations on the data elements.
Method | Description |
frozenset() | Returns an immutable frozenset object |
Set add() | Adds elements to the set |
Set clear() | Deletes all the elements from the set |
Set copy() | Returns a copy of the set |
Set difference() | Returns the difference between 2 or more sets |
Set difference_update() | Updates the calling set by removing the items that are also included in the other specified sets |
Set discard() | Removes a specific element from the set |
Set intersection() | Returns an intersection of 2 or more sets |
Set intersection_update() | Updates the calling set by removing the items that are not present in the other specified sets |
Set isdisjoint() | Returns whether 2 sets have an intersection or not |
Set issubset() | Returns whether one set contains this set or not |
Set issuperset() | Returns whether this set contains another set or not |
Set pop() | Removes an arbitrary element |
Set remove() | Removes the specified element from the set |
Set symmetric_difference() | Returns symmetric differences of 2 or more sets |
Set symmetric_difference_update() | Updates the Set with symmetric difference |
Set union() | Returns union of sets |
Set update() | Adds elements to the set |
Python String Methods
Because Python Strings are immutable, all of these functions return a new string while leaving the previous string untouched and unchanged. The Python standard library references for strings are:
Method | Description |
String capitalize() | Returns a string with the first character converted to Uppercase while other letters to lowercase |
String casefold() | Returns a string converting a wider range of characters to lowercase |
String center() | Pads the input string to the center with a specified character |
String count() | Returns the number of occurrences of a substring from the original string |
String encode() | Returns an encoded string with the specified encoding standard |
String endswith() | Returns value TRUE if the string ends with the specified suffix |
String expandtabs() | Replaces tab characters \t with spaces |
String find() | Returns the index value of the first occurrence of the substring |
String format() | Formats the string by converting it into a more representative output format |
String format_map() | Formats the string values using a dictionary |
String index() | Returns the index value of the substring specified |
String isalnum() | Checks if all characters are alphanumeric |
String isalpha() | Checks if all characters are alphabets |
String isdecimal() | Checks if all characters are decimal values |
String isdigit() | Checks if all characters are digits or not |
String isidentifier() | Checks if all characters are valid identifiers |
String islower() | Checks if all characters in a string are lowercased |
String isnumeric() | Checks if all characters are numeric |
String isprintable() | Checks if all characters are printable |
String isspace() | Checks if all characters contain whitespaces |
String istitle() | Returns TRUE if the string is a title cased string |
String issuper() | Returns TRUE if all the characters in the string are uppercase |
String join() | Returns a concatenated string |
String ljust() | Returns a left-justified string as per the width specified |
String lower() | Converts all the characters of the string to lowercase |
String lstrip() | Returns a string with the leading characters removed |
String maketrans() | Create a mapping table and returns this translation table |
String partition() | Splits the string at the first occurrence of the separator |
String replace() | Replaces all the occurrences of the specified substring with another substring |
String rfind() | Returns the highest index value of the substring |
String rindex() | Returns the highest index value of the substring inside the string |
String rjust() | Returns a right-justified string as per the width specified |
String rpartition() | Splits the string into 3 different parts and returns a tuple |
String rsplit() | Splits the string from right |
String rstrip() | Returns a string with all the trailing characters removed |
String split() | Splits the string from the specified separator and returns a list |
String splitlines() | Splits the string at line boundaries |
String startswith() | Returns value TRUE if the string starts with the specified prefix |
String strip() | Removes both the leading and trailing characters of a string |
String swapcase() | Swaps uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa |
String title() | Converts the string to a tile cased string |
String translate() | Modifies the string according to the translation table |
String upper() | Converts all the characters of the string to uppercase |
String zfill() | Returns a copy of the string with ‘0’ padded to the left of the string |
Python Tuple Methods
Python standard library references for tuples are:
Function | Description |
cmp(tuple1, tuple2) | Compares elements of both the tuples |
len(tuple) | Returns the total length of the tuple |
max(tuple) | Returns the largest element from the tuple |
min(tuple) | Returns the smallest element from the tuple |
tuple(seq) | Converts a list into a tuple |
count() | Returns count of the element in the tuple |
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