Confusing Words

Lay Vs Lie

Lay vs lie are confusing words for many English speakers. Furthermore, simply speaking, we can say that a person would lie down but would lay something down. Moreover, with lie, there is not a requirement of a direct object. When it comes to lay, there is a requirement of a direct object. Similarly, the rule also applies to laying and lying. The word ‘laid’ is the past tense of the word ‘lay’. However, care must be taken with regards to the past tense of lie as there is an involvement of two options.

Both the words lay vs lie involve something in a horizontal position.  Most noteworthy, the deviation of the two words takes place with regards to exactly what is horizontal. This could be the verb’s subject or the direct object.

lay vs lie

Difference between Lay and Lie

If an individual would just focus on the reclining meaning of the two words lay vs lie, then an important distinction could be noticed. Furthermore, the distinction is that ‘lay’ requires a direct object, while ‘lie’, in contrast, does not require it. Therefore, one may lie down on the bed but must lay the book down in order to read.

Another way of bringing out the difference between the two words is regarding the statement- lying on the floor. As such, people would lie down on something by themselves. In contrast, an individual would lay something down.

Lie past tense can raise some problems when discussing the difference between the two words. This is because, some people may say that the word ‘lay’ is the past tense of lie, and hence is similar to it. However, the two words are not similar and are quite different from each other.

One can say that lay means to put down something in a position that is flat. Furthermore, the word ‘lay’ is a regular verb and it has an object. This makes it different from the word lie.

Lie is a word that means to put oneself in a position that is flat. Moreover, lie is an irregular verb and it does not take an object.

One must not use the word lay to describe being in a position that is flat. This is because lay is a word that must have an object.

Lay and lie both happen to be present-tense verbs. Furthermore, in case the subject is acting on the object, then ‘lay’ must take place. In contrast, if the subject itself assumes rest in a particular horizontal position, then ‘lie’ will take place.

The lay vs lie matter can be pretty confusing for some people. However, with a proper investigation into the details of each, one can ascertain their difference.

When/How to Use Lay

If one can replace the verb with ‘put’ or ‘place’, then use of the verb lay must take place. Furthermore, an important point to remember is that lay is a transitive verb. In order to lay, you will have to place something in a position of rest.

Correct use of the word lay is- Cats lay on their backsides when they are in a playful mood. Incorrect use of the word lay is- The cat likes to lay in sun. In the second case, the word lie should have been used instead of the word lay.

When/How to Use Lie

Use of the word lie must take place when someone is lying on the back. Furthermore, lie happens to be an intransitive verb.

Correct use of the word lie is- People like to lie on the beach in winters. In contrast, incorrect use of the word lie is- I don’t like to lie my bag on the floor. As one can clearly see, the word lay should have been sused in place of the word lie.

Examples of Lay – Using Lay in a Sentence

Below are some examples of lay. Most noteworthy, these examples will better bring out the difference between lay vs lie. Moreover, through these examples, students will learn how to use lay in sentences.

Example 1: The kids always lay their bags outside the examination hall. This example shows how to use lay in a sentence.

Example 2: He instructed him to lay the book down and pet his cat.

Example 3: I don’t like to lay a clean cloth on the floor.

Examples of Lie – Using Lie in a Sentence

Just like with lay, these examples of lie will help clarify the matter of lay vs lie even more. Besides, students will be able to form sentences using the word lie in an efficient manner.

Example 1: Why don’t you just lie down and relax. Here, the word lie is used in the form of advice.

Example 2: Just hop up on the bed and lie down.

Example 3: A meditation technique requires a person to lie down on the stomach.

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