Maharashtra Recognition of trade unions and prevention of unfair labor laws practices act 1971 sanctioned by the government of India for regulations of industries in the country to attain the goal of empathetic between employee and employer. This act figures on the incidence of the strike, lockout, illegally declared, economizing, terminating a workman. Under such circumstances, Industrial act can be closely related and several other problems between employee and employer. In such unwanted issues of industry, the industrial act, MRTU and PULP Act 1971 against ULPs are provided.
What is Unfair labor laws?
Labour laws protect the rights of employees. The primary function of labor laws to deliver employee safe working place, mental peace, and physical safety.
Unfair labor laws consider when actions taken by employers disrupt National Labour Relations Act of 1935, section 8. NLRA investigate such acts to give employees to improve their surroundings with their employers by developing union. NLRA also establishes the rules for union elections, collective bargaining and more. They also prohibit employers to do interfere in employee rights to create equilibrium between both union and employers. Such actions are known as unfair labor laws practices.
Definitions of MRTU & PULP Act
Some important terms under section 3 of the MRTU & PULP Act 1971
Bombay Act
A Bombay act states to Bombay industrial relates act, 1946 (section 3, Clause 1)
Central Act
Central act mentions to industrial disputes act, 1947 (section 3, Clause 2)
An employee refers as a workman to industry (section 3, clause 5)
An employer states relation to industry ad employee (section 3, clause 14)
Labour Court
A labour court establishes in section 6 (section3, clause 10)
Objectives of MRTU & PULP Act 1971
- To offer rights of trade unions
- To abolish industrial disputes
- To prevention against certain ULPs
- To provide announcing of lock-outs and strikes
- To provide powers to unrecognized unions
- To provide a safeguard to unions
- To consensus recognition to trade unions
- To enforce this act
In which conditions MRTU & PULP Act 1971 passed?
To resolve industrial disputes India took initiative for passing that law which fashions equilibrium between employee and employers to improve industrial growth. The government of Maharashtra made a strong report and led the following circumstances.
- They believed strong development befall if autonomous and responsible unions in order and atmosphere free from coherent labour practices. There was no operative legalization to provide gratitude to unions apart from the industrial action, 1946 which was applied to a few companies. Therefore, in 1968, the government of Maharashtra allotted a tripartite committee underneath the chairmanship of a president of the industrial court to describing the relationship of the employee with employers in industries, this takes as unfair labour practices. After that, the committee has submitted a report to the state. The state their points and after a long struggle their hard work became successful and this generates major changes in industrial relations.
- During this period, the committee noticed, the designated system has not been accepted legally, a Bombay industrial act. The Unfair labour practices have not been collected with bargainings. The committee has collected all the information which activities an employee should need in the industry. The task was difficult to prepare a list of unfair labour practices. They have gathered information from Tribunals and courts, which clearly depicts the image of unfair labour. They covered a large set of information in one place and felt workable metaphors of the expressions is essential.
After taking this report in deliberation, they decided to generate strong law for unfair labour practices to expedite unions from uncertain unfair practices. The Government of Maharashtra also gave importance to produce sovereign machinery to form dual actions recognition and enforcing provisions of the union. Hence, the state passed the MRTU and PULP Act 1 February 1971. This applies to all industries of Bombay for both employee and employer in 1972.
Is MRTU and PULP Act proved beneficial for business growth?
The main reason for introducing this act is to generate a balance between relations of unions and employers in the industry. The industrial disputes are drawn-out, political and even administrative. After a great struggle, this law got the legal address.
Before the MRTU and PULP Act 1971, the industrial disputes were large and takes a long time to resolve. This simply affects the growth of industries. But after this act, the cases become less and industrial disputes diminish, hence business growth elevated.
Solved Example on METUÂ and PULP act
Question: Under which committee MRTU & PULP Act had launched?
- Tripartite
- Both A & B
- None of the above
Answer: The right answer is the tripartite committee. They took imitative in 1968 to develop a balance between employers and union to diminish industrial disputes and fast growth of a business.
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