When some numbers are arranged in rows and columns and are surrounded on both sides by square brackets, we call it as a matrix. Matrix or matrices have very important applications in mathematics. In this chapter, we will learn about matrices, their types and various operations on them. So, let’s start.
- Matrix
- Types of Matrices
- Addition of Matrices
- Scalar Multiplication of Matrices
- Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Matrices
- Multiplication of Matrices
- Elementary Operation of a Matrix
- Transpose of a Matrix
- Invertible Matrices
- What Is Singular Matrix
FAQs on Matrices
Question 1: What is a Matrix?
Answer: Matrix refers to an ordered rectangular arrangement of numbers which are either real or complex or functions. We enclose Matrix by [ ] or ( ).
Question 2: What are the different Types of Matrices?
Answer: The different types of Matrix are Row Matrix, Square Matrix, Column Matrix, Rectangle Matrix, Diagonal Matrix, Scalar Matrix, Zero or Null Matrix, Unit or Identity Matrix, Upper Triangular Matrix and Lower Triangular Matrix.
Question 3: What is the application of Matrices?
Answer: Many scientific fields use Matrices in some form or the other. You will find it in physics like electromagnetism, optics, quantum mechanics and more. Further, it is present in computer graphics, like probability, page rank algorithm and more. Finally, matrix calculus is also beneficial. It helps in generalizing classical analytical notions like derivatives and exponentials to high dimensions. Moreover, graphics software make use of it while processing linear transformations in order to render images.
Question 4: What do you mean by Transpose of Matrix?
Answer: The new matrix which we obtain by exchanging the rows and columns of the original matrix is referred to as the transpose of the matrix.