Python Examples

Python Program to Remove Punctuation from a String 

With Python remove punctuation from list program, we can remove the punctuation and other special characters that are present in a string of characters. For the code, one must understand how strings work, the basics of FOR or WHILE loop, and if…else statements.

python remove punctuation from list


Source Code 

The Python remove punctuation from list program, we can ensure that there are no special characters present in the string. Thus, it eases the process of converting the string into a list of words. The following source code shows how the string is cleaned of all punctuation marks. 

First step to create such a code will be to define all the punctuation marks and special characters that can be present in the string. Python cannot distinguish punctuation from other characters. Thus, the developer will need to define them so that they can be identified in the string. 


punc = ‘’’ ! () – [] {} : ; ‘ “ \ , <> . / ? @ # $ % ^ & *_ ‘’’

str_1 = input (“Enter the string: “)

no_punc = “ “

for char in str_1:

              if char not in punc:

                             no_punc = no_punc + clear 

print (no_punc)



Enter the string:

“Hello!, he said, -- I have $45 & you?”

Hello he said I have 45 you

Here, all the punctuations and special characters are defined in the string named punc. After this, the user enters the string from which the punctuation marks and special characters need to be removed. The FOR loop iterates each character in the string. It clears it if the character is present in the punc string as well. If not, then the character is printed as is.

Once all the characters in the string are iterated and compared, the final string that does not contain any punctuation marks or characters is printed. 

There are other ways through which punctuation marks can be removed. These are explained below. 


Regex stands for regular expressions. It is a Python library that allows managing, control, and manipulating regular expressions. 

Regular expressions are a sequence of characters that have a specific search pattern. The patterns can be used with different string methods including find and find and replace. The source code that removes the punctuation marks and special characters from the string using the Regex method is provided below. 


import re

str_1 = input (“Enter a string: “)

no_punc = re.sub (r’ [^\w\s]’. ‘’, str_1)

print (“The string without punctuation is: “, no_punc)

The Translate () Method

One of the easiest and fastest methods through which punctuation marks and special characters can be removed from a string is by using the translate () method.  The built-in translate () function is available in the string library of Python. The method returns a string where some characters are replaced with other characters as provided in a mapping table or dictionary.   


import string 

str_1 = input (“Enter the string: “)

no_punc = str_1.translate (str.maketrans (‘’, ‘’, string.punctuation))

print (“The string without punctuation is:”, no_punc)

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do I remove punctuation from a list of Python?

Using the FOR loop or translate () method, one can remove punctuation from a list of characters. 

How do I remove punctuation from a text file in Python?

The text file will need to be saved in a variable and each character will be iterated through FOR loop. 

How do you remove special and punctuation characters in Python?

With the FOR loop or translate () method, such special characters can be removed in Python. 

How do I remove special characters from a list in Python? 

Define all the special characters in a string and then iterate the required list through FOR loop to remove the special characters in Python. 

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