Methods and Functions

Python print()

One of the most basic and popular functions in Python – the print() statement. We all might have started learning Python programming with the evergreen example of printing ‘Hello World’. The Python print() method is used to obtain output i.e. display anything on the screen as well as to debug code. This function outputs the supplied message or a value to the console. But if you think that’s all there is to know about Python’s print() method, you’re mistaken! This article focuses more on the in-depth functionalities of the Python print() function.

Python print() function


  • Python print() function is used to print the specified object to the standard output device (screen) or to a text stream file.
  • The Python print() method is used to print a given message to the screen or to display an object’s value on the terminal.

 Python print()

Let us understand Python print() by looking at a very basic example.


print('Hello World!')

# tells us that print() is a function and not a statement



Hello World!
<class 'builtin_function_or_method'>

Unlike Python2, which did not require you to use parentheses, Python3 requires parentheses to be used or it will generate a syntax error. The print() function, which accepts zero or more expressions separated by commas, is the simplest way to generate output. Before writing to the screen, this function turns the expressions you pass into a string.

print() Syntax

The entire syntax of Python print() is as follows:


print(*objects, sep = ' ', end = '\n', file = sys.stdout, flush = False)

print() Parameters

*objects – indicates one or more values/objects to be printed. It is converted to string before printing.

sep (Optional) – this specifies how objects should be separated if multiple objects are passed. Default value: ‘ ‘

end (Optional) – specifies what is to be printed at last. Default value: \n

file (Optional) – object with a write(string) method. Default value: sys.stdout

flush (Optional) – A Boolean indicating whether if the stream/output is flushed (True) or buffered (False). Default value: False

Note – The sep, end, file, and flush parameters are keyword arguments. If we want to use them in the function, we need to specify their keywords compulsorily. For example:


print(*objects, sep = 'separator', end = '\n')
# and not like this
print(*objects, 'separator', '\n')

Return value from print()

The print() function returns output to the screen.

Example 1: How print() works in Python?

Example: Passing single argument to the print() function


# Python program to illustrate print()
# Passing single argument


print('Python Programming')


print(1 + 5j)

my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4]

my_dict = {1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}



Python Programming
[1, 2, 3, 4]
{1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}

Example: Passing multiple arguments to the print() function


# Python program to illustrate print()
# Passing multiple arguments
name = 'Sam'
print('My name is', name)

age = 30
print('My age is', age)

a = 'Amy'
b = 'Tom'
print(a, 'and', b, 'are coming to the party')

x = 5
y = 10
print('The sum of', x, 'and', y, 'is:', x+y)



My name is Sam
My age is 30
Amy and Tom are coming to the party
The sum of 5 and 10 is: 15

In the above 2 examples notice that,

The separator ‘ ‘ is used between multiple objects. Take note of the gap between the two objects in the output.

The character ‘\n’ (newline) is used as the end parameter. Each print command, as you can see, displays the output in a new line.

The default value used for the file parameter is sys.stdout. The result is displayed on the screen.

The flush default value is False. The stream is not flushed forcibly.

Example 2: print() with separators and end parameters



# Python program to illustrate print()
# Passing sep and end parameters
num = 7
print('James Bond ', num, sep = '--> 00', end = '\n\n\n')

a = 2
print('Value of a: ', a, sep = '000', end = '\n')

print('Computer', 'Downloads', 'Wallpapers', 'Img1.png', sep = '/')



James Bond --> 007

Value of a: 0002

In the preceding program, we passed the sep and end parameters.

Example 3: print() with file parameter

The file parameter allows you to save the result of the print function to a file in various formats such as .csv, .txt, and so on. Here you can specify the file to which you want to write or append the output of the print function.



# Python program to illustrate print()
# Passing file parameters
myfile = open('Student.txt', 'w')
print('This file contains student details', file = myfile)

This program attempts to open the Student.txt file in writing mode. If this file does not exist, a new file, Student.txt, is generated and opened in writing mode.

In this case, we’ve passed a myfile object to the file parameter. In the Student.txt file, the string object ‘This file includes student details’ is printed.

Finally, the close() method is used to close the file.

Example 4: Printing different data types in Python


num = 12

# Integer
print('Number: %d' %num)

print('Number: %f' %num)

# Exponential
print('Number: %e' %num)

# Octal
print('Number: %o' %num)

# Hexadecimal
print('Number: %x' %num)



Number: 12
Number: 12.000000
Number: 1.200000e+01
Number: 14
Number: c

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is print() in Python?

One of the most basic and popular functions in Python – the print() statement. The Python print() method is used to obtain output i.e. display anything on the screen as well as to debug code. The Python print() method is used to print a given message to the screen or to display an object’s value on the terminal.

Q2. How do you print in Python?

The print() function, which accepts zero or more expressions separated by commas, is the simplest way to generate output. The entire syntax of Python print() is as follows:


print(*objects, sep = ' ', end = '\n', file = sys.stdout, flush = False)




print('Welcome to School')

salary = 10000
print('Your salary is:', salary)

print('Car', 'Bike', 'Train', 'Plane', sep = ' | ', end = '\n\n')

print('Hello', 'World', end = '\n')



Welcome to School
Your salary is: 10000
Car | Bike | Train | Plane

Hello World

Q3. How do you print a new line in Python?

To print on a new line, the ‘\n’ newline character is used in the print() function. This newline character can also be applied with the sep and end parameters of the Python print() function.



# new line in the objects parameter
print('Hey buddy! \n How are you?')

# new line using sep parameter
print('Tom', 'Sam', 'Kim', 'Kylie', sep = '\n')

# new line using end parameter
print('Welcome', end = '\n')
print('to the Museum')



Hey buddy!
  How are you?
to the Museum

Q4. How do you use %s and %d in Python?

Python strings and integers can also be printed using the ‘%s’ and ‘%d’ characters respectively. This is another alternative to print the variable values wherever we want in the print() statement sequence.



language = 'Python'
print('I have learned %s language during my course' %language)

age = 20
print('My age is %d' %age)



I have learned Python language during my course
My age is 20

In the above print statements, we have implemented the ‘%s’ and ‘%d’ characters. To execute this method successfully, we use the ‘%variable_name’ after the objects parameter in the print(). And notice that we do not use any comma’s between the 2 parameters.

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