Methods and Functions

Python String replace()

Not every string has the values we want it to have. A user may enter a symbol or a character that you do not wish to appear in an input field. You may want to delete any occurrences of a specific letter from a string. To perform this string handling function, Python provides a built-in support for string replacement called as Python replace() string method. It makes no difference which character you wish to remove from a string. Python replace() function has your back! This article deals with Python replace(), its applications, and programming examples.

Python replace() function


  • Python replace() is a built-in string method that is used to replace each matching occurrence of the substring within the string with the new specified character/text.
  • The Python replace() string function returns a copy of the string by replacing the specified substring with another string or text or any character.

Python replace() Syntax

The Python replace() function follows the below-mentioned syntax:


string.replace(old, new, count)

replace() Parameters

The replace() method accepts a maximum of 3 parameters:

  • old – the old substring to be replaced
  • new – the new substring to replace the old one
  • count (Optional) – integer value specifying the number of times we want to replace the old substring with the new substring

Note – If the count parameter is not specified, then the replace() function replaces all the occurrences of the old substring with the new substring.

Return value from replace()

The replace() function returns a copy of the original string by replacing the specified substring with a new substring.

If the old substring is not found in the input string, the copy of the original string is printed.

Example 1: Using replace()



# Python program to illustrate replace()
txt = 'I love Python Programming'
print('Original string:', txt)
# replacing 'Python' with 'Java'
res = txt.replace('Python', 'Java')
print('New string:', res)

txt = 'I shall, I will and I can do it'
print('Original string:', txt)
# replacing all occurrences of 'I' with 'We'
res = txt.replace('I', 'We')
print('New string:', res)



Original string: I love Python Programming
New string: I love Java Programming

Original string: I shall, I will and I can do it
New string: We shall, We will and We can do it

Example 2: Using replace() With count Argument

As seen below, the count parameter sets the maximum number of substitutions that should occur.



# Python program to illustrate replace()
txt = 'well hello webmaster, we welcome you to our website'
print('Original string:', txt)

# replacing 'we' with 'ok' for 2 occurrences only
res = txt.replace('we', 'ok', 2)
print('New string:', res)

# replacing 'we' with 'hi' for 4 occurrences only
res = txt.replace('we', 'hi', 4)
print('New string:', res)

# Another example
fruits = 'apple banana apple cherry orange apple kiwi'
print('Original string:', txt)

# replacing 'apple' with 'fig' for 2 occurrences only
res = fruits.replace('apple', 'fig', 2)
print('New string:', res)



Original string: well hello webmaster, we welcome you to our website
New string: okll hello okbmaster, we welcome you to our website
New string: hill hello hibmaster, hi hilcome you to our website

Original string: well hello webmaster, we welcome you to our website
New string: fig banana fig cherry orange apple kiwi

Example 3: replace() with other Characters

Python’s replace() function can also be used with a variety of character values such as symbols, numerical values, etc. Here is an example depicting this concept.



num = '%&*1234'
print('Original string:', num)

# replacing '%' with '$'
res = num.replace('%', '$')
print('New string:', res)

# replacing '4' with '9'
res = num.replace('4', '9')
print('New string:', res)



Original string: %&*1234
New string: $&*1234
New string: %&*1239

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How do I replace a character in a string?

Python provides a built-in support for string replacement called as Python replace() string method. Python replace() is a built-in string method that is used to replace each matching occurrence of the substring within the string with the new specified character/text.



str1 = 'Good Morning Everyone'
res = str1.replace('o', '1')

# using count parameter
res = str1.replace('o', '$', 2)



G11d M1rning Every1ne
G$$d Morning Everyone

Q2. How do you replace multiple letters in a string in Python?

To replace multiple letters in Python, we have 2 methods:

  1. Using replace() function –



str1 = 'Welcome#$ back to%&() school!@ everyone(&#'
print('Original String:', str1)

def processString(str1):
  specialChars = "!@#$%^&*()"
  for i in specialChars:
      # replaces all special characters with empty space
      str1 = str1.replace(i, '')
print('New String:')



Original String: Welcome#$ back to%&() school!@ everyone(&#
New String:
Welcome back to school everyone

  1. Using re.sub() method –



import re

str1 = 'Hello, my age is 25, mobile 9727642462 and my salary is 54000'

def processString(str1):
  str1 = re.sub('[0-9]', 'X', str1)

print('New String:')



New String:
Hello, my age is XX, mobile XXXXXXXXXX and my salary is XXXXX

Q3. How do you replace a letter in a list in Python?

When you replace a string in a list, it creates a new element for each occurrence of that string. The Python replace() function is used to replace an element in a list. We also use a for-loop to iterate over each element in the list. We then call str.replace(old, new) to replace old with new in each string str. And finally, we append the resultant strings to a new list.



txt = ['abc', 'aef', 'ab', 'bd', 'a']
print('Original List:', txt)
new_list = []

for i in txt:
    new_string = i.replace('a', '0')
print('New List:', new_list)



Original List: ['abc', 'aef', 'ab', 'bd', 'a']
New List: ['0bc', '0ef', '0b', 'bd', '0']

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