Intro to Business Communication

Johari Window

Johari Window is a technique for improving self-awareness within an individual. It helps in understanding your relationship with yourself and others. Johari Window model can be a useful tool if you want to improve your communication skills.

It was developed by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955, hence the name Johari. Johari Window is generally used in Self-help groups in exercises which help a person to learn and discover things about themselves, like heuristic exercise.

Johari Window is a method used for self-discovery. Let us understand Definition and meaning of Johari Window Model with examples.

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What is Johari Window?

Generally, it is believed that we have in a group based on our perception of others. And that is why to improve communication in a group it is important to develop the perception of an individual in the group.

Johari window model is based upon two things – to acquire the trust of others by revealing your information to them and by learning about yourself through feedback by others.

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Johari Window Model Description

There are four questions in the model just like panes in a window and each person fits into one of this pane. Each window in Johari window model signifies feelings, personal information, and motivation.

Also, the important point to know here is that through window panes one must determine whether one is known or unknown to oneself as well as the others.

Johari window

Johari Window

Here as you can see in the photo there are four different panes and each signifies one crucial idea behind it. Further, the panes are in the horizontal axis as well as the vertical axis. So, you have to determine in which window you fall and based on that your personality can be known.

In this model, the main focus is on feedback. Accepting of feedback and conveying of this feedback is done through this model. The panes given in the vertical direction represents part that is known and unknown to others. While the horizontal part represents the known and unknown part to your self.

That is two windows represent your true self while the other two windows represent the part that is known to others but unknown to self.

This information which is known to self and unknown to others can be transferred through socializing with others. While the part that is known to others but unknown to self is conveyed through feedback that you get through other members in the group.

This model works on the basis of communication happening in the group and how to improve yourself. The model is very simple to understand and as a result, it is used in various organizations.

Now, we have divided the panes into 4 different panes to make you understand further about how compromises in these panes.

Johari Window Quadrant 1: Open Area or Arena

This area or pane is called open area because the information in this pane about the behavior, feelings, emotions about the person is known to that person itself as well as the other members in this group.

In this arena, all the communication occurs through a two-way process. Such that the person socializes about himself with others and constantly receives feedback from the other members of the group. As a result, the group becomes more effective and the relationship in this group is very dynamic.

In this group, the process of feedback solicitation is very common. This process occurs in the group that has an understanding and the feedbacks of the other person are heard.

So, the open area through this group can be increased horizontally such that the blindspot area is reduced and vertically it is increased so that the hidden and unknown areas of a person are reduced when that person reveals about his feeling to the other person.

Johari Window Quadrant 2: Blindspot or BlindSelf

Blindspot is the area in which the certain information on your personality is known to others but that information is not known to you.

In simple terms, other people may interpret your personality different than you might have expected. For efficient communication, this area must be reduced.

One way to do it is through feedback that you get from other members in the group.

Johari Window Quadrant 3: Hidden Area or Hidden Self

Hidden area is the information that you hide from others. Here, the information is known to you but the others are unknown to this information.

The reason for this may be the information might be personal to you so that you are reluctant to share it with others. This includes secrets, past experiences, feelings, etc. Many people keep their information private and do not share it with others.

Johari Window Quadrant 4: Unknown Areas or Unknown Self

In this area, the information is unknown to you as well as the others. Generally, certain feelings, talents, information, etc fall in this area.

The reason for this might be some traumatic experience in the past about a particular event or experiences which might be unknown for your ever.

The person, as well as the group, is unaware about this till he or she discovers it. One way to reduce this area is through open communication.

Practice Questions on Johari Window

Q. The unknown quadrant in Johari window _______ when you disclose information and learn.

A. Shrinks                B. Increases               C. Unaffected                D. None of the above

Answer: A. Shrinks

Q. The information that is known to you but unknown to others. Which quadrant is this?

A. Unknown            B. Hidden                  C. Blindspot                   D. Open

Answer: B. Hidden

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