You know what’s the latest trend in fashion? No, it’s not Gucci, Chanel or Vero Moda. It’s a priceless brand that’ll go on years and years. You can deform it, yet it’ll remain brand new. Its named ‘Plastics’. Quite fancy, isn’t it? So what makes the plastic material so special? And why is it slowly becoming a habit? Let us answer these questions below.
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Environmental Effects of Plastic Material
Plastics have shaped the society more than a better politician would shape the society; it is everywhere. From cell phones and computers to plates, bags, pens we write with. If on one side plastics have made and continue to make our lives easier and better, on the other hand, these plastics have left harmful imprints on the environment and perhaps even human health. The usage of plastics keeps increasing as the days go by. And if we believe the reports soon instead of looking at the natural beauty we’d be looking at ‘plastics’ ugliness.
Harmful Effects
If we look at environmentally, plastic is indeed a growing disaster. These synthetic polymers are made from petroleum or natural gas, non-renewable resources and then processed using energy-intensive techniques that damage fragile ecosystems. The manufacture of these plastics and its destruction by any means pollutes air, land, and water and exposes the living to toxic chemicals, including carcinogens.
Plastic packaging –especially the plastic bag – is a prominent source of landfill waste and it is regularly eaten by various marine and land animals, that lead to fatal consequences. Plastics do not biodegrade. It just accumulates in the landfills or pollutes the environment. Pollution from plastics may not be visible to us through naked eye but there are microscopic particles of plastics that are present in the air throughout the world.
Plastics are treated with chemicals and these chemicals are absorbed by the living. Some of the components in these chemicals can alter hormones or have other potential health effects. Floating plastic waste can survive for decades in water, and therefore it serves as mini transportation devices for invasive species, that disrupt other habitats.
Plastics in landfills can leach harmful chemicals that spread into groundwater. So it’s high time we start going back to our roots and start going organic.
Browse more Topics under Synthetic Fibres And Plastics
Remedies for pollution caused by Plastic Material
If we start today at this very moment, there’s a little hope that on a span of few years the production and usage of plastics will go down by 50%. So, here are the top tips one can stop plastic pollution:
Go Green
We’ve come a long way from using plastic bags to overusing them. Its time we throw these plastics away and replace them with reusable bags that can save a lot of space and money too. These reusable bags are compact and fit literally anywhere making them portable.
Say ‘No’ to bottled water
One should drink 8-10 glasses of water every day and bottled water factories have taken full advantage of this fact.Since in order to stay hydrated bottled water is the best way. One can carry it anywhere and dispose of it anywhere. However, most of these are only recommended for single use, and that means that every time someone finishes a bottle it goes into the trash. And eventually, this trash fills the landfills and releases toxic gases. So instead one can carry water from home or have it from filters in offices or schools.
Spread Awareness
Spread the word on awareness about plastic material on as many platforms as possible. Speak to local restaurants and businesses about options on how can they can switch from plastics to organic and reduce plastic pollution. At the same time educate them on how they can market the same.
Recycle Everything
Try and recycle these plastics as much as possible.
Solved Example For You
Q.Which of the following are uses of plastics in the healthcare industry?
a. The packaging of tablets
b. Stitching wounds
c. Syringes
d. All of the above
Sol: d. All of the above
Plastics in the healthcare industry are used in packaging of medicines; plastic threads are used for stitching wounds. Also, syringes, gloves and any kind of medical instruments are made up of plastic.
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