The Judiciary system of India is law and rules stated for the welfare of citizens. It is responsible to ensure and re-enforce law and order. To know more about the Judiciary system of India explore the article further.!!
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Judiciary System of India
Judicial System or the court system is also the Judiciary System. The court has the power to make decisions and also enforce the law, solve disputes. Judiciary system consists of Judges and other magistrates, they form the bench or the core of the judiciary system.
On 26 January 1950, the Indian Constitution was written and it is worlds largest constitution written. The constitution is the source of law in India and also the supreme law of India. Judicial System of India consists of Supreme Court, High Court, District Court or Subordinate Court.
Supreme Court of India
Under the constitution of India, the supreme court is the final court of appeal. Hence has the chief justice of India, including 30 judges and other judges for advisory jurisdiction. Unsolved or still in dispute cases are leveled up to Supreme court to reattain justice. If the supreme court declares a law it is binding on all other courts of all States and Union territory. Every court building has 15 courtrooms. the Eligibility to become a Chief justice is:
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- The judge in one High court or more, for at least 5 years or advocate in high court for at least 10 years.
- A distinguished judge in the opinion of the President of India.
High Court of India
Under the constitution of India, every state should regard to one high court. Mumbai high court id the oldest high court in India. Every High court has 94 judges out of which 71 are permanent and 23 are additional judges. High court deals with economic issues and legal documentation. These courts also have an additional set of legal professionals. Eligibility for a high court judge is
- He should be a citizen of India.
- An advocate should have at least 10 years of practice in any court.
District Court of India
Under the constitution of India, district courts or Subordinate Courts are subordinate to the high court. District courts are established according to the population distribution of the district and state. It looks after the Civil and criminal matters of the district. A law declared by the district court is applicable to all subordinate courts. Since District court is at a higher hierarchical level. Eligibility for judge in district court is
- He should be a citizen of India
- An advocate should have at least practice for 7 years.
Solved Examples for You
Question 1. Who has the right under the Constitution to seek the opinion of the Supreme Court on the question of law?
- President
- Any High Court
- Prime Minister
- All of these
Answer: President.
Question 2. Which high court has the jurisdiction over Andaman and Nicobar Islands?
- Kolkata High Court
- Bombay High Court
- Delhi High Court
- Madras High Court
Answer: Kolkata High Court.
Question 3. Who has the power to remove the judge of the Supreme Court?
- Chief Justice of Supreme Court
- Only President
- Only Parliament
- Both President and parliament
Answer: Both the President and Parliament.
Indian Judiciary system is outdated now. Particularly Rapists are taking benefit of this week system. Just think about INNOCENT NIRBHAYA RAPE CASE. Her parents are dying everyday by facing the stupid laws. Those 4 criminals are taking benefit of this so called stupid system. This is clear worldwide that those 4 criminals raped and killed that innocent girl but still those wild animals are not hanged. infect they should be burns alive in front of the public within 6 months. They have many rights to appeal in this stupid system. Rapes and killing will be continue if we did not change this Judiciary system. Think about the innocent girls who have been raped and killed and about their parents. Kindly hang those 4 bastard as soon as possible who raped and killed Nirbhaya. Please please ????????????
A matter to be given importance.. it will surely take time but the need of the hour is to handle every situation and every conversation with law itself..
#weneedchange #weneedgoodpeopleinjudiciary