Introduction to the Power of 10
The power of 10 is a form of mathematical notations that allows expressing any number as a product of multiples of ten. Also, the notion number of power of 10 is a valuable way for engineers, students, and mathematicians to write down very large or small numbers in easy form without writing a lot of zeros in a row.
Furthermore, in example suppose 50,000 equals 5 multiplied by 10,000, here we can use the power of ten as notation and say that 5 equals 10 to the power 4 (104).
What is Power of 10
According to mathematics, the power of ten is any of the integers powers of the number multiplied by 10. In simple words, it means that we multiply ten by itself a certain number of times (when the power is a positive integer). Moreover, in the definition of the number 1 is a power (the zeroth power) of ten.
Scientific Notation Regarding Power of 10
Also, referred to as the ‘standard form,’ the scientific notation was given its name because firstly scientist employed it to represent very small and very big numbers. Furthermore, the power that 10 multiplied by is also called as exponents.
Besides, we can find them in positive form as well as a negative form. In addition, its positive form represents multiplication and negative form represents division.
In the notation index of 10 tells that from how many places the decimal points should move to the right. Conversely, for understanding this, consider we multiply 1.35 by 10 to the power fourth. Or 1.35 × 104.
Then you can calculate it as 1.35 × (10 × 10 × 10 × 10), or 1.35 × 10,000 which gives the answer 13,500. Now, if we were to move the decimal place in 1.35 over by four spots then you would also create 13,500.
The negative power of 10
We have many times faced situations where the power of ten is negative. Also, this indicates that the number should be divided by the negative power. For example, if we multiply 6 by 10 to the power negative three or 6 ÷ 10-3. Now you can write this as 6 ÷ (10 ÷ 10 ÷ 10) or 6 ÷ 1,000. Then we can simply move the decimal place over to the left three spaces. So, the answer to the question is 0.0006 and this is the numerical result for dividing 6 by 10 to the negative power 3.
Write Each Decimal as a Power of 10
It is possible to write each decimal as a power of 10. A practical example of 10s power is the way that we measure light-years or the distance travel by light n a span of one year, is spoken using scientific notation rather than writing down its entire numerical representation. Also, it’s easier for scientists to write its expression 9.461 × 1015meters relatively than 94,61,00,00,00,00,000 meters.
For evaluating the power of 10 we need to multiply the base 10 by itself the exponent amount of times.
Some examples are
1. 10 × 10 = 100
2. 10 × 10 × 10 = 1000
3. 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 =1,00,000
And this process continues on to infinity.
The pattern of Power of 10
If you look closely then you will find that the number of zeros in the solution matches the exponent.
For example it the power of 10 is 2 then the answer is 100 which as two zeros. In the same way, if the power of 10 increases to 5 then the answer 1,00,000 has five zeros.
Solved Question for You
Question. What will be the notation form of 3,00,00,00,000 or 300 crores?
A. 3 ×109
B. 3 × 108
C. 3 × 1010
D. 3 × 1011
Answer. The correct answer is option A.
Solution- 3 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 = 3,00,00,00,000.
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