NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms
NCERT solutions for class 7 Science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms is very important for the students of the 7th class. The solutions are extremely helpful to students to understand the chapter easily and interestingly. Our subject experts have created NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science.
According to the latest CBSE syllabus, students should go through and practice the solutions regularly to prepare effectively and score high in examination. NCERT solutions for class 7 Science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms come handy for quickly completing your homework and preparing for exams.
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CBSE Class 7 Science Chapter 10 – Respiration in Organisms
NCERT solutions for class 7 Science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms describes respiration as a vital biological process. The chapter starts with the importance of respiration in a living organism as a human being. It describes the biological process of respiration at the cellular level. Breathing and respiration are different from each other.
Further, the chapter discusses the mechanism of breathing in human beings and the functioning of different organs helping in breathing. It explains these with the help of images and diagrams. The last chapter concludes describing breathing underwater and the need for respiration in plants.
NCERT solutions for class 7 science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms are very interesting fun to teach chapters which will help students to develop a grip on the concept.
Sub-topics covered under NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10
- 10.1 Why do we respire?
- 10.2 Breathing
- 10.3 How do we breathe?
- 10.4 What do we breathe out?
- 10.5 Breathing in other animals
- 10.6 Breathing underwater
- 10.7 Do plants also respire?
NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 10
NCERT solutions for class 7 science Chapter 10 Respiration in Organisms focuses on how respiration is essential for the survival of living organisms. It releases energy from the food. We inhale oxygen which is used to breakdown glucose into Carbon. It is similar in plants as well as in other living beings. These NCERT solutions have a wide range of contents covering different organisms.
Let us discuss the sub-topics in detail.
10.1 Why do we respire?
Cells of an organism perform certain functions such as nutrition, transport, excretion, and reproduction. To perform these functions, the cell needs energy. We need energy for eating, sleeping or reading, etc. The food is used to store energy, which is released during respiration.
10.2 Breathing:
Breathing is the process of taking air rich in oxygen and giving out air rich in carbon dioxide with the help of respiratory organs.
10.3 How do we breathe?
Breathing involves the movement of inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, our lungs expand and then come back to the original shape as the air moves out during exhalation.
10.4 What do we breathe out?
During the process of exhaling, we breathe out less oxygen but more carbon dioxide than we inhale. We breathe out the carbon dioxide has carbon comes from the carbon in the food we eat.
10.5 Breathing in other animals:
In animals, such as cow, buffalo, dog, and cat the respiratory organs and the process of breathing are similar to those in humans. In earthworm, the exchange of gases occurs through the moist skin and in insects through the tracheae
10.6 Breathing underwater:
Many organisms live in water. Fish has gills that help them to use oxygen dissolved in water.
10.7 Do plants also respire?
In the plants, root takes air present in the soil. Also, leaves have tiny pores called stomata through which they exchange gases. The breakdown of glucose in the plant cells is a similar process to that in other living beings.
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