A whole number that divides the other number completely without leaving any remainders is known as a factor of that number. To find factors of a number python understand the logic below:
For example,
When 9 is divided by 3, there is no remainder left behind. Hence 3 is a factor of 9. Similarly, a number can have two or more factors. Let us consider 6.
When 2 divides 6 there is no remainder, and when 3 divides 6 there is no remainder left either because they divide 6 evenly. Therefore we can derive the conclusion that the factors of 6 are 2,3.
How do you find the factors of a number in Python?
To find factors of a number python, we can either use the for or the while loop.
How do you find factors of a number quickly?
The factors of a number are integers when multiplied together to derive the original number itself. To find the factors of a number easily follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Use the prime factorization method to split the prime factors of the number
Step 2: After deriving the prime numbers, take the exponents of all the prime numbers and add 1 to each exponent.
Step 3: After taking the sum, multiply the exponents together.
For example:
Consider the number 48. After the prime-factorization method, the prime factors that are derived are 2^4 x 3^1. After adding 1 to the exponents, the modified exponents are 5 and 2.
Now we multiply 5 and 2.
Therefore 48 has 10 factors.
How do you find the factors of a number Program?
We used the for loop to find the factors of the number in the program below. Read the steps given below for a more detailed explanation.
Step 1: Choose any number
Step 2: Put every number ranging from 1 to that number in a loop
Step 3: If the number is divided evenly, without leaving any remainder behind then that is a factor.
Source Code:
numb=int(input("enter any number"))
for a in range(1,numb+1):
if numb%a==0:
print ("Factors of {} = {}".format(numb,facts))
enter a number 6
Factors of 6 = [2, 3]
How do you find the factors of a number using a while loop in Python?
In the program given below, we used the while loop to find the factors of a given number. This approach differs when compared to the for loop. Initially, we initialize the variable ‘a’ as 1 before starting the loop. We iterate the while loop till a <a+1. Now we check if the current value is a divisor of z or not. If yes, we print the number and increment the value of ‘a’. If not, we skip the number and continue with the next number.
def factors(z):
a = 1
while(i < z+1):
if z % a == 0:
a = a + 1
numb = int(input("Enter any numb : "))
print("The factors for {} are : ".format(numb))
Enter any numb : 20
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