To get ascii value of char python, the ord () method is used. It is in-built in the library of character methods provided by Python. ASCII or American Standard Code for Information Interchange is the numeric value that is given to different characters and symbols. These numeric values are used to store different characters in the computer memory and manipulate them as required by the user.
Get ASCII value of Char Python
ASCII codes are case sensitive. Thus, the ASCII for ‘A’ and ‘a’ will be different. For ‘A’, it is 65 while for ‘a’, it is 97.
The ord () function requires the parameter in the form of a string that has a length of one. The function returns an integer that represents the Unicode. The Unicode represents the ASCII for the string that is passed in the function.
In C language, the %d is used to convert the character into its respective ASCII code. Then, the numerical value of the ASCII code can be saved in a variable and then printed.
The code below is used to get ASCII code for char Python. Note that the ord () function is used with the parameter as the character whose ASCII code is required.
c = input (“Enter the number whose ASCII code needs to be found: “)
print (“The ASCII value of given character is”, ord (c ))
In the program, the character whose ASCII code is needed is saved in a variable named c. Then, the ord () function is used to print the ASCII code.
Currently, Unicode has more than 100,000 characters defined in the form of numeric digits. These characters belong to hundreds of different scripts used across the world. ASCII, on the other hand, encodes only 128 characters.
You can also convert the ASCII or Unicode into its respective character in Python. Using the chr () function, the character that represents the corresponding ASCII code can be obtained.
>>> chr (94)
>>> chr (ord (‘S’) + 1)
Thus, with the help of these built-in functions, one can find the ASCII and Unicode for different characters and know how they are stored in the computer memory.
FAQs on Get ASCII value of Char Python
Q1. How do I get the ASCII value of a character in Python?
To get ASCII value for char Python, one needs to use the ord () function that is available in the Python library.
Q2. How do I get the ASCII value of a character in Python 3?
In Python 3, the ord () function works to obtain the ASCII value of a character. The function requires a character to be passed as its parameter. It will return the corresponding ASCII value.
Q3. What is CHR () in Python?
chr () is a built-in function in Python that is used to convert the ASCII code into its corresponding character. The parameter passed in the function is a numeric, integer type value. The function returns a character for which the parameter is the ASCII code.
Q4. What is the ASCII code for char A?
For the character of ‘A’, that is, the capital letter A, the ASCII code is 65. For the ‘a’, the ASCII code is 97.
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