The int() python is used to convert the specified string or number into an integer value.
The syntax for the int() in Python is as follows:
int(x=0, base=10)
int() Parameters
The int() python has two arguments as parameters. These two arguments are:
x- Convert a number or string to an integer object. The default value of the x parameter is zero.
Base- The number format is represented by a number. The base is set to 10 by default. This argument is optional.
Return value from int()
The int() in python returns an integer value that is the binary string’s equivalent in the provided base.
If any other data is entered besides an integer or a string datatype, the TypeError exception is raised.
Example 1: How int() works in Python?
# integer
print("int(123) is:", int(123))
# float
print("int(123.23) is:", int(123.23))
# string
print("int('123') is:", int('123'))
int(123) is: 123
int(123.23) is: 123
int('123') is: 123
Example 2: How int() works for decimal, octal, and hexadecimal?
# binary 0b or 0B
print("For 1010, int is:", int('1010', 2))
print("For 0b1010, int is:", int('0b1010', 2))
# octal 0o or 0O
print("For 12, int is:", int('12', 8))
print("For 0o12, int is:", int('0o12', 8))
# hexadecimal
print("For A, int is:", int('A', 16))
print("For 0xA, int is:", int('0xA', 16))
For 1010, int is: 10
For 0b1010, int is: 10
For 12, int is: 10
For 0o12, int is: 10
For A, int is: 10
For 0xA, int is: 10
Example 3: int() for custom objects
class Person:
age = 23
def __index__(self):
return self.age
def __int__(self):
return self.age
person = Person()
print('int(person) is:', int(person))
int(person) is: 23
What does int () do in Python?
The int() in Python, is used to convert a given number or a string to an integer number.
Here’s an example to understand the implementation of the int()
Source code
numb = 13
String1 = '187'
# Stores the result value of
# binary "187" and numb addition
result1 = int(String1) + numb
print("int('187') + 13 = ", result1, "\n")
# 2nd example
str2 = '100'
print("base of 2 for int('100')= ", int(str2, 2))
print("base of 4 for int('100')=", int(str2, 4))
print("base of 8 for int('100')=", int(str2, 8))
print("base of 16 for int('100')=", int(str2, 16))
Output :
int('187') + 13 = 200
base of 2 for int('100') = 4
base of 4 for int('100') = 16
base of 8 for int('100') = 64
base of 16 for int('100') = 256
Does INT () round up or down python?
The INT() in Python is used to round down an integer. A positive number is round down towards the nearest zero and a negative number in python is round off away from the zero.
For example:
INT(8.1) = 8
INT(-8.1) = -9
How do you use int in Python?
In Python and Python3, the int() method transforms an integer in a given base to decimal.
Here’s an example:
Source Code:
binaryStr = "111"
# Stores the equivalent decimal
# value of binary "111"
Decimal = int(binaryStr, 2)
print("The binary 111 decimal format is", Decimal)
# "101" taken as the octal string
octalStr = "101"
# Stores the equivalent decimal
# value of binary "101"
Octal = int(octalSting, 8)
print("The octal 101 decimal format is", Octal)
Output :
The binary 111 decimal format is 7
The octal 101 decimal format is 65
If the syntax of the int () is not written properly, a type error is raised.
For example:
binaryStr1 = 111
# It throws an error if you use an integer instead of a string.
deci = int(binaryStr1, 2)
Output :
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/", line 8, in
decimal = int(binaryString, 2)
TypeError: int() cannot convert a non-string to a string with a certain base.
What is integer number in Python?
The python programming language has three numerical types: complex numbers, floating-point numbers, and integers. In Python, integers are classified into zero, positive, or negative whole numbers with no fractional part and infinite precision, such as 0, 100, -10, and so on. If there is a decimal, it is considered as a float variable.
For example:
The valid integers are:
>>> 0
>>> 1001
>>> -10
>>> 1234
>>> zy=50000000000000
The integers in python are also binary, hexadecimal, and octal values.
>>>1100 #binary number
>>>110 #octal number
>>0x12 #hexadecimal number
The int class includes all integer literals and variables.
Example: Use the type method to know the class name
<class 'int'> #1001 is of class int
>>> x=156234567890
>>> type(x)
<class 'int'> #x is of class int
>>> y=500000000
>>> type(y) # y is of class int
<class 'int'>
The comma is not allowed as a number delimiter in Python. Instead, use the underscore as a delimiter.
If the numbers include a decimal point, then they would be considered as a float variable
For example:
>>> a=7
>>> type(a)
<class 'int'>
>>> a=7.0
>>> type(a)
<class 'float'>
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