Methods and Functions

Python ord ()

ord () function in Python is built-in in the directory. It is used to return the Unicode of the argument passed in it. The string type in Python uses the standard Unicode system to represent characters. Unicode is a system of the specification through which each character that is used in human languages is given its own unique code. Let us learn python ord in detail. 

Python ord


Note that Unicode is not encoding a character available in human language. It is an abreast coding standard. When a character or value is passed in the function ord (), then it returns an integer that identifies the character uniquely. This integer is Unicode for that particular character.   

The Python ord () function will return either an integer that represents the Unicode of the character or the value of the byte when the argument is a string of 8 bits. 

Syntax: ord (“string”) or more appropriately, ord (character)

The character code point should lie in the range of 0 to 65535 if the Python that you are using is built with UCS2 Unicode. 

For example, ord (‘a) will return the Unicode 97, as the small case letter a is identified by the Unicode 97. The Python ord () function can be considered the opposite of the chr () function. The chr () function returns a character when a string of eight bits is passed in the parameters. Another such function is the unichr () that returns a character for a Unicode object. 

ord () Parameters 

A string or any character can be passed as a parameter in the Python ord () function. The cheater must have a Unicode for it to be acceptable as a parameter for the ord () function.  

The length of the string passed in the parameter of the Python ord () function needs to be one. If it is more than one, then an error called TypeError will appear.

Return Value from ord ()

Python ord


When a character is passed in the Python ord () function, then it returns a value in the form of an integer that represents the Unicode character. For example, if you pass the Euro sign as a parameter, then it will return the value as 8364. 

Example: How does ord () work in Python?


# you can use random letters, numbers, and characters and find their Unicode 

print (ord (‘Q’)) # Latin capital letter Q

print (ord (‘c’)) # Latin small letter C

print (ord (‘&’)) # the symbol for ampersand 

print (ord (‘)’)) # right parentheses 

print (ord (‘9’)) # digit nine


FAQs on Python ord ()

1. What is ord () in Python?

Answer: In Python, ord () is a built-in function that is used to obtain the Unicode value for characters. When a character is passed in the ord () function, it returns an integer value that represents the Unicode that identifies a particular character.   

2. What do chr and ord do in Python?

Answer: chr () and ord () are both functions in Python that are used for Unicode. When a character or string is passed in the ord () function, then it returns the integer that represents the Unicode for that character or string. On the other hand, the chr () function is used to return a character for which the Unicode is passed in its parameters.  

3. What is ord used for?

Answer: Python ord () function is used to obtain the Unicode for a character or string value. 

4. What is chr () in Python?

Answer: chr () is a built-in function in Python that converts the Unicode passed in it to the character the Unicode corresponds to. It returns a character that can be a digit, a number, letters, punctuation, symbols, etc.  

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