Body Movements

Skeletal System

Our body is made up of several elements but bones offer a proper structure. The human skeleton system can be thought of as the foundation to our appearance. This internal skeleton is the framework that consists of several individual bones and cartilages. In our childhood, our bones aren’t that advanced, however, as we grow the development of the skeleton initiates at a significant pace.

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It is important to know that, the skeleton consists of different bands of fibrous connective tissue, that is, ligaments and the tendons are in close relationship with various parts of the skeleton. Hence, in this article, you’ll primarily gain information about the overall skeletal system and the functions it offers.

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Introduction to Human Skeleton

The human skeleton is formed out of 206 bones. Moreover, the effectiveness of the skeletal system is to provide support and offer our body a proper shape. Above all, it works to deliver protection to different systems and organs present in the body.


Furthermore, the skeleton can be bifurcated into two parts: axial and the appendicular. As per biological terms, the axial skeleton includes the skull’s central core, spine, and ribs, whereas the appendicular comprises of arms and legs.

Formation of Bones

It is important to know that, bones are formed through the ossification of cartilage. In simple terms, it means that all bones initiate as cartilage (usually in the womb). Further, after a period of time, it converts to the hard bone; that is ossification. The need for calcium is quite important for strong bone growth.

Function of the Skeletal System

The skeleton provides protection for major organs particularly the chest as well as rib cage. Moreover, the muscles link to the bones for enabling movement. One of the interesting aspects is the production of red blood cells under bone marrow. The development of red blood cells is crucial since they carry oxygen to different parts of the body.

Main Categories of the Bones

You can now access details about the main types of bones present in the human body.

Long Bones

These long bones possess greater length rather than width. Moreover, they comprise of a shaft and an unpredictable number of endings. Long bones are usually little curved for strength. For example femur, humerus, tibia, ulna, fibula and radius.

Short Bones

These bones are approximately cube-shaped and hold almost equal length and width. For example wrist bones.

Flat Bones

Flat bones possess a thin structure and offer significant mechanical protection in addition to extensive surfaces for muscle attachments. For examples cranial bones (safeguarding the brain), ribs and sternum (safeguarding organs in the thorax), as well as scapulae.

Irregular Bones

Irregular bones consist of complicated shapes, and hence cannot be classified under shape-based categories. The shape of these bones is due to the functions they perform within the body. For example the vertebrae and several facial bones.

Sesamoid Bones

These types of bones develop across some tendons present in locations that have considerable friction, physical stress, and tension. Hence, they can either form in the palms of your hands, as well as the soles of your feet. Do note that, their quantity and presence varies from person to person. For example The patellae or kneecaps; which is common to everyone.

Sutural Bones

In our skeletal system, the sutural bones can be termed as very small bones that are located within the sutural joints present between cranial bones. Further, the count of sutural bones differs considerably depending on the person. As a result, these are popular as un-named bones.

Question For You

Q1. How many bones are present in the spine?

Ans: There are in total 33 bones present in the human spine.

Q2. How many pairs of ribs are there in the thorax?

Ans: 12 pairs of ribs.

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