Science Projects

Science Project Ideas for Students and Children

Science project is something that is fun and easy to make. Also, these projects are for kids and children so that they can make them with little help form elders. Here we will see some science project ideas for students from class 5 to class 12.

science project

Science Project Ideas

Science project refers to those activities that not only help students to construct and educate students about one of the science discipline. Furthermore, students can present these projects in science fairs.

In this, we will tell you different science projects that are simple to make and do not require much effort and materials.

Following are the ideas for your Science Projects

  • Paper Towel Projects
  • Mold Bread
  • Popcorn Project
  • Paper Planes
  • Charge a Light Bulb

Let us have a look at them one by one.

1. Paper towel project

This experiment is very simple and it demonstrates the water-absorbing capacity of different papers. In addition, for this experiment students need a different type of paper, a container, and water.

Furthermore, you can use ordinary paper (notebook page), kitchen towel, tissue paper, toilet paper, etc. Simply pour some water in a container then put the piece of paper one by one and record the time they take to absorb the water.

2. Mold bread

Mold is something that grows on bread or other food items when they rot. Also, for performing this experiment you need two pieces of bread of the same size and a heating and cooling source.

For the projects put a piece of bread in a cool place and others in a hot place. Moreover, watch both the bread daily for 10 days and record your observation. After ten days you will see that the bread, which is kept in a hot place, has more mold over it then the bread that is kept at the cold place.

Explore more Science Project Ideas –

3. Popcorn project

This project is also fun and tasty as you can eat the finished product. For this experiment, you need two types of seeds yellow and white and a pressure cooker. Also, you need help from your elders as it involves fire and cooker.

Put an equal amount of yellow and white seeds into a pressure cooker for a limited time (enough time so that some seed pop-up).

Moreover, when the seed popup closes the flames and lets the cooker cool down. After that count the number of popup seed or non-popup seed whichever is less. And observe which type of seeds (white and yellow) popup more and which is less.

4. Paper planes

For this project, you need a lot of used paper to make two to five designs of paper planes, long measuring tape and a big hall or space where you can fly these planes. Furthermore, fly planes several times to get a more accurate result.

Firstly, fly a plane and record the distance it covers. Moreover, repeat this process four or five times and do the same things with all the other planes. Conclude, your result that which design is better and more aerodynamic.

5. Charge a light bulb

For this experiment, you need a comb, light bulb, and a woolen scarf and if you do not have a woolen scarf then use the comb in your hair. Moreover, the project uses a dark room or a room with very low light. First take all the things (comb, scarf, and light bulb) with you in the room and rub the comb on the scarf for 5 to 10 minutes and if you are using it in your hair then at least 30 strokes in the hair.

After that, quickly attach the comb with the metal ends of the bulb and observe the filament of bulb light up.

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