
Process of Organizing

One of the most important functions of a manager is organizing the work of all of his employees. Organizing is one of the toughest and most important functions of management. Let us learn more about organizing and the process of organizing.

Process of Organizing

First, let us understand the concept of organizing. Organizing essentially consists of establishing a division of labor. The managers divide the work among individuals and group of individuals. And then they coordinate the activities of such individuals and groups to extract the best outcome.

Organizing also involves delegating responsibility to the employees along with the authority to successfully accomplish these tasks and responsibilities. One major aspect of organizing is delegating the correct amounts of responsibilities and authority.

Process of Organizing

Now, as one of the most important functions of management, organizing follows a meticulous process. The following are the steps in the process of organizing,

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1] Identifying the Work

The obvious first step in the process of organizing is to identify the work that has to be done by the organization. This is the ground level from which we will begin. So the manager needs to identify the work and the tasks to be done to achieve the goals of the organization.

Identification of the work helps avoid miscommunication, overlapping of responsibilities and wastage of time and effort.

2] Grouping of Work

For the sake of a smooth flow of work and smooth functioning of the organization, similar tasks and activities should be grouped together. Hence we create departments within the company and divisions within each department. Such an organization makes the functioning of the company way more systematic.

Depending on the size of the organization and the volume of work, an organization can have several department and divisions. And every department has a manager representing them at the top-level of the management.

In smaller organizations sometimes these departments are clubbed together under one manager.

3] Establish Hierarchy

The next step in the process of organizing is to establish the reporting relationships for all the individual employees of the company. So a manager establishes the vertical and horizontal relationships of the company.

This enables the evaluation and control over the performances of all the employees in a timely manner. So if rectifications need to be made, they can be made immediately.

4] Delegation of Authority

Authority is basically the right an individual has to act according to his wishes and extract obedience from the others. So when a manager is assigned certain duties and responsibilities, he must also be delegated authority to carry out such duties effectively.

If we only assign the duties, but no authority he will not be able to perform the tasks and activities that are necessary. So we must always assign authority and clearly specify the boundaries of the duties and the authority which has been delegated.

5] Coordination

Finally, the manager must ensure that all activities carried out by various employees and groups are well coordinated. Otherwise, it may lead to conflicts between employees, duplication of work and wastage of time and efforts. He must ensure all the departments are carrying out their specialized tasks and there is harmony in these activities. The ultimate aim is to ensure that the goal of the organization is fulfilled.

Question on Process of Organizing

Q: Delegation of responsibility and _____ go hand in hand

  1. duty
  2. money
  3. authority
  4. none of the above

Ans: The correct option is C. Delegation of responsibility must be backed with the delegation of authority to help fulfill such responsibilities.

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