The national security of a country is a prime responsibility of the government. Imagine a situation – there aren’t any security measures taken in India. Would you ever feel safe? Of course not! So, for strategic interest and for ensuring that the Indians living in India feel safe, our government has come up with a security setup.
For ensuring that the security measures are taken in due course of time we have the NSC or the National Security Council of India. Here, let’s take a look at the role played by the NSC.
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The National Security Council of India
On August 24, 1990, NSC was established by Prime Minister V.P. Singh. The prime minister, home minister, defence minister and finance minister are its permanent members. NSC’s first meeting took place on October 5, 1990. However, later the political development rendered it dysfunctional.
On the recommendations of K.C. Pant Committee, Prime Minister A.B. Bajpai revived it on 19th November 1998. This time around, the NSC became an extended council with three types of agencies. This included:
- Joint Intelligence Committee
- Strategic Policy Groups
- National Security Advisory Board
Headed by the Prime Minister of India, NSC comprised of a variety of members. These included the cabinet ministers, members Planning Commission, cabinet and senior secretaries and chiefs of staff from the three services. In addition to this, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, scientific adviser to the defence minister and secretary atomic energy department and officials from IB and RAW were also associated with NSC.
Representatives from Press and NGOs form the Advisory Board of the NSC. One most crucial post is that of the adviser to NSC. Almost everything done by the council is secret but his presence is relevant in taking policy decisions. Joint intelligence service and the ministry of defence hosts its meetings and keeps the records.
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Services Headquarters
Under the president, prime minister and the defence minister, there existed three service headquarters of Chiefs of Army, Navy and Air. Furthermore, the service headquarters of each wing had an internal organisation of its own in the field. It worked via different types of line establishments.
With headquarter in Delhi, the Chief of Army staff operates with assistance from the deputy and several other principal staff officers. In addition to it, the two Deputy Commanders-in-Chief, one Adjutant General, one Quarter Master General, one Master General of Ordnance, one army secretary and also one Engineer-in-Chief looks after the administration of land army from Delhi headquarters.
Chief of staff manages the army in India. For proper functioning of the organisation, army further comprises of six branches:
- General Staff Branch:Â It caters to military activities, training, military surveys, maps, planning and supply services, etc. It also controls inter-services communications, coordinates armed core units, purchases weapons as per policy decisions.
- Adjutant General’s Branch: It caters to subjects such as manpower, recruitment, leaves, pay, pension and service conditions, etc.
- Quarter Master General’s Branch: It caters to subjects such as administration of stores, foodstuffs, oil and fodder, etc.
- Master General of the Ordnance Branch: It caters to supply and maintenance of equipment’s, explosives and depots and also their reinforcements.
- Military Secretary’s Branch: It caters to appointments, transfers, promotion, discipline, etc.
- Engineer-in-Chief Branch:Â All sorts of engineering services, anti-landmines operations, bomb neutralisation squads and construction works constitute its major responsibilities.
Commands and Areas
The Army headquarter have five commands under it. It includes the:
- Southern Command
- Eastern Command
- Western Command
- Central and Northern Command
- Training Command
Navy protects the coastal interests of the country and its property. Its headquarter is in Delhi. The naval headquarter has a Chief of Naval staff who is assisted by four principal staff, Vice Chief of Naval staff, head of personnel and materials in his administration. Furthermore, the work of four principal Naval staff is coordinated by a Naval Secretary.
The Chief of Naval staff controls the administration of five parts of the Naval organisation as follows:
Vice Chief of the Naval Staff
- Intelligence Communication
- Naval Groups
- Policy Matter
- Coordination
- 9 Directorates
Chief of Personnel
- Recruitment Welfare
- Medical Aid
- Discipline
- Legal Matters
- Coordination
- 7 Directorates
Chief of Materials
- Chief of Materials
- Purchaser Dockyards
- Marine Engineering
- Supply of Equipment
Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff
- Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff
- Coordination
- Naval Submarines
- Training
- Weather Reports
- Planning
Naval Secretary
- Establishment Records
Air Force
In comparison to others, it is a younger organisation but the supporting services performed by it make it crucial for the defence of the country. It has headquarters in Delhi. The Chief of Air staff manages the organisation with the help of following juniors:
- Deputy Chief of Air Force
- Six assistant Chiefs of Air Force
- Personnel officer
- Officer-in-charge administration
- Air officer (Security)
- Inspector General (Inspection and Air Safety)
The principal staff officers have the responsibility to cater to the: (a) discipline, (b) procedures, (c) training, and (d) efficiency. The administrative work at headquarters is divided into three branches:
- Air Staff Branch:Â Working under the command of a group, vice chief of Air staff administers training, signals and intelligence work. The branch has two parts and each part has six and five directors under them for inspection respectively.
- Administration Branch:Â Air officer-in-charge (administration) is the head of the branch who caters to personnel matters, budget and medical problems of officers.
- Maintenance Branch: Under the Air officer who maintains vehicles, air craft’s and other equipment are in good trim.
Solved Examples for You
Question: What is the National Security Setup Board?
Answer: The National Security Setup Advisory Board consists of persons of eminence outside the govt. with expertise in external security setup, strategic analysis, foreign affairs, defence, the armed forces, internal security setup, science and technology and economics.
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