
Decimal to Hex Conversion

Decimal to Hex conversion

The decimal number system is very popular and commonly used. But, in the computer system, it is not suitable for use. Binary and hexadecimal number systems are most suitable for storage and working. In the hexadecimal number system, we represent the numbers with base 16, instead of 10 as in decimal. This number system is also termed as hex. Numbers are represented in much compact form in hexadecimal in comparison to binary. This article will explain the hexadecimal number system and decimal to hexadecimal conversion with examples. Let us learn the concept!

decimal to hexadecimal


In decimal to hex conversion, the student will learn the method to convert a decimal number into its equivalent hexadecimal number system. In other words, we will convert the number from base 10 to base 16. Thus we may have decimal to hexadecimal converter or decimal to the hexadecimal calculator for fast processing.

Actually many other conversions are possible as we have base 2 and base 8 number systems too. Students may have studied the binary numbers before. Then they will see that hexadecimal number is a compact form of four binary digits. Many hex to decimal online converter tools is also available.

Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal:

The conversion of a number from one number system to others is very essential as well as important in many applications. Conversion of decimal number to the hexadecimal number is a very easy but important task. It is possible with a few simple steps. We may use the specific conversion table for this.

For the decimal numbers from 1 to 15, we will find the equivalent hexadecimal number. It is very fundamental as 0-9 digits are the same in both number systems. But 10-15 digits in hexadecimal are represented by alphabets A, B…..F. For numbers of more than 15 in decimal, we will follow the following procedure for conversion.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Table:

For conversion of the decimal number to the hexadecimal student have to remember the following table:

Decimal Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Equivalent Hexadecimal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Method for Decimal to Hexadecimal Number System Conversion:

Let us follow the steps to convert a decimal number in hexadecimal. Then we will have decimal to hexadecimal example.

Step-1: First, divide the given number by 16.

Step-2: The remainder left here, will produce the hex value.

Step-3: Take the quotient from above and repeat steps 1-3 till quotient becomes 0.

Step-4: Write all the remainders in reverse order. This will be the Hexadecimal converted value.

Solved Examples for You

Example-1: Convert 960 from decimal to hexadecimal number.

Solution: Following the step,

First, divide 960 by 16 to get quotient 60 and remainder 0.

Again, divide quotient 60 by 16. Then get quotient 3 and remainder 12.

Again divide 3 by 16, to get quotient 0 and remainder 3.

Now taking all the remainders in reverse order in equivalent hexadecimal value, we will have,

3 \(\rightarrow\) 3,

12 \(\rightarrow\) C

and 0 \(\rightarrow\) 0

Thus converted value in hexadecimal will be 3C0.

Example-2: How to convert hexadecimal to decimal number?

Solution: To convert the hexadecimal to decimal, we need to start by multiplying the hex number by 16. Then, we raise it to the power of 0 and further increasing that power by 1. We have to start from the right to the left of the hexadecimal number. Finally, we will sum up all the terms to get the corresponding decimal value.

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