In math, greater or less than and equal to help us to understand how one number is different from the other number. Whether the value of one number is bigger or smaller than the value of another number or both the numbers are equal. If the value of one number is more than the value of another number then we use greater than sign. Let us now discuss in detail about greater than and less than symbols.
Greater Than and Less Than Symbols
Symbols of Greater Than Less Than
When we have, two values that are not equal are symbols that we can use to indicate relationships between numbers they are the inequality symbols. The symbols of inequality are greater than and less than. With them, we can make comparisons.
Greater than: When one number is more than the other number, we use greater than sign > i.e bigger number > smaller number. With the help of more than a symbol, we express that the number to the left is greater than the one to the right. For example, 20 is greater than 13, so we write it like this 20>3.
Less than: When one number is smaller than the other number, we use less than sign < i.e smaller number < bigger number. With the help of less than symbol expresses that the number to the left is less than the one to the right. For example, 12 is less than 16, so we write it like 12<16.
Equal to: This symbol, used to express that the value of two quantities is equal. The symbol of equal to is =.
Greater Than or Equal to:Â This sign generally used at the places where we have to specify the quantity. It means that either the value should equal to the given value or greater than the given value. The greater than or equal symbol used is \geq. For example: In a dance group, more than 5 participants can participate. This means that 5 participants are must but 6 participants can also participate. In mathematical form, we can write it as P \(\geq 5\).
Less Than or Equal to: This sign generally used at the places where we have to specify the quantity. It means that the value should equal either to the given value or less than the given value. The less than or less than the symbol used is \leq. For example, A jug can hold up to 4 cups of water. This means that jug can hold 4 cups of water or it could be less than 4 cups. In mathematical form, we can write it as capacity \leq 4.
The trick to Remember Greater Than Less Than Sign:
The greater than and less than signs resemble the letter v rotated. This trick can help you to know which way it should be rotated. The large opening always points to the greater value, and the smaller end, the tip, toward the smaller value. For examples:
3 > 2: Three is greater than two, so the large opening of the symbol faces three and the little point faces the two.
2 < 5: Two is less than five, so the small side faces the 2 and large opening faces the 5.
Solved Examples for You
Q.1. Â Shankar has some number cards such as 14, 34, 40 22, 36. He gives away some number of cards less than 40 and greater than 22. Which number of cards does he have?
Solution: In the question, the number should be in between 22 \(\geq\) card \(\leq\) 40. The number is 14.
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