
Truth of Statements

Today we are going to discuss ‘truth of statements’. This topic is a part of verbal reasoning asked in reasoning section in the exam. It is a very important topic for preparation. Questions on this topic are often very tricky and you need a good amount of practice to solve it. The options given in this section are very close and at time confusing. There are some practice questions for you. You can attempt this on your own.

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Truth of Statements

In in the topic truth and statements you need to focus on the facts. Because facts are accounted for the truth. The questions usually asked bear resemblance to the characteristics of a specific part. The other options in the question are also very close to the question so the only absolute truth must be followed.


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Q. Which of the following does a book always has?

A. Contents
B. Photos
C. Chapters
D. Pages

Ans: Usually, a good book always has the above-mentioned options. But here you need to absolutely make sure that the truth is presented. Thus, we will go one by one option and show how the options can be negated.

A good book always has contents but there is no surety that every book should have content. Some books may or may not have content. For option B i.e. photos, this is also not a necessary requirement in a book. Some books have photos some doesn’t. In the same way, option C can also be negated. Because sometimes books do not have chapters. Thus, the only option is D. And every book must have pages. That is the absolutely necessary requirement for any book.

Q. Which of the following does the lotus flower necessarily have?

A. Water
B. Petals
C. Mud
D. All of the above

Ans: A flower always has petals. This is true not only for lotus but for every flower. Yes, lotus has a tendency to grow in mud. But that does not mean it always has mud. Lotus grows on water and sometimes it will have water on it and sometimes not. And thus it is necessary that lotus has all the options given in the question. So, the correct answer is B.

Example Based on Close Options

Q. Which of the following does the disease always have?

A. Germs
B. Cure
C. Cause
D. None of the above

In this question, you can see that there are two close options. And that is why this section requires your logical skills to solve it. Almost all the diseases have germs and cause. But not all diseases have germs. Diseases that are not contagious does not have germs. But a disease will always have the cause. Because diseases happen for a reason. So, the correct answer is C.

Practice Questions

Q. What will atmosphere always have?

A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Dust
D. Air

The correct answer is D.

Q. What does controversy always involves?

A. Hate
B. Disagreement
C. Anger
D. Injustice

The correct answer is B.

Q. Tree is always associated with

A. Roots
B. Flowers
C. Fruits
D. Leaves

The correct answer is A.

Q. Which one of the following options does the drama necessarily involves?

A. Directors
B. Producers
C. Actors
D. Screenplay

The correct answer is D.

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2 responses to “Cause and Effect”

  1. RAMIYA SHREE says:

    just leave a couple of questions aside

  2. RAMIYA SHREE says:

    leave a couple of questions to practice

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