Time & Speed Practice Questions section has all the different types of questions that are expected from this section. Here in the Time & Speed Practice Questions section, we have questions that will test and check your clarity of the concepts related to this section. Before attempting the following section on Time & Speed Practice Questions, you should read carefully the other related topics of this chapter. Now let us see what different types of questions can be asked in this section.
Time & Speed Practice Questions
Part A
Q1: An aeroplane covers a certain distance at a speed of 240 kmph in 5 hours. To cover the same distance in 1(2/3) hours, it must travel at a speed of: [S. S. C. 2000]
A) 300 kmph B) 360 kmph C) 600 kmph D) 720 kmph
Q2: A salesman travels a distance of 50 km in 2 hours and 30 minutes. How much faster, in kilometres per hour, on an average, must he travel to make such a trip in 5/6 hour less time? [Hotel Management]
A) 10 B) 20 C) 30 D) None of these
Q3: A person has to cover a distance of 6 km in 45 minutes. If he covers one-half of the distance in two-thirds of the total time; to cover the remaining distance in the remaining time, his speed (in km/hr) must be: [S.S.C. 1999]
A) 6 B) 8 C) 12 D) 15
Q4: A man performs 3/5 of the total journey by rail, 17/20 by bus and the remaining 6.5 km on foot. His total journey is:
A) 65 km B) 100 km C) 120 km D) 130 km
Q5: A can complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of 21 km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km. [Assistant Grade, 1997]
A) 220 km B) 224 km C) 230 km D) 234 km
Q6: A person travels equal distances with speeds of 3 km/hr, 4 km/hr and 5 km/hr and takes a total time of 47 minutes. The total distance (in km) is: [R. R. B. 2001]
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
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Q1: D), Q2: A), Q3: C), Q4: D), Q5: B), Q6: B)
Part B
Q1: The distance between two cities A and B is 330 km. A train starts from A at 8 am and travels towards B at 60 km/hr. Another train starts from B at 9 am and travels towards A at 75 km/hr. At what time do they meet? [LIC, 2003]
A) 10 am B) 10:30 am C) 11 am D) 11: 30 am
Q2: The jogging track in a sports complex is 726 metres in circumference. Deepak and his wife start from the same point and walk in opposite directions at 4.5 km/hr and 3.75 km/hr respectively. They will meet for the first time in: [M.A.T. 2003]
A) 4.9 min B) 5.28 min C) 5.5 min D) 6 min
Q3: A and B walk around a circular track. They start at 8 am from the same point in the opposite directions. A and B walk at a speed of 2 rounds per hour and 3 rounds per hour respectively. How many times shall they cross each before 9:30 am? [UPSC 2002]
A) 5 B) 6 C) 7 D) 8
Q4: Two cars P and Q start at the same time from A and B which are 120 km apart. If the two cars travel in opposite directions, they meet after one hour and if they travel in the same direction (from A towards B), then P meets Q after 6 hours. What is the speed of car P? [SBI PO 2000]
A) 60 kmph B) 70 kmph C) 120 kmph D) Data inadequate E) None of these.
Q5: Two trains starting at the same time from two stations 200 km apart and going in opposite directions cross each other at a distance of 110 km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds?
A) 9: 20 B) 11: 9 C) 11: 20 D) None of these.
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Q1: C), Q2: B), Q3: C), Q4: B), Q5: B)
Part C
Q1: Two trains start from P and Q respectively and travel towards each other at a speed of 50 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively. By the time they meet, the first train has travelled 100 km more than the second. The distance between P and Q is: [S.S.C. 2000]
A) 500 km B) 630 km C) 660 km D) 900 km
Q2: Bombay Express left Delhi for Bombay at 14.30 hrs, travelling at a speed of 60 kmph and Rajdhani Express left Delhi for Bombay on the same day at 16.30 hrs, travelling at a speed of 80 kmph. How far away from Delhi will the two trains meet?
A) 120 km B) 360 km C) 480 km D) 500 km
Q3: A train M leaves Meerut at 5 am and reaches Delhi at 9 am. Another train leaves Delhi at 7 am and reaches Meerut at 10:30 am. At what time do the two trains cross each other?
A) 7:36 am B) 7:56 am C) 8 am D) 8:26 am
Q4: A man takes 5 hours 45 minutes in walking to a certain place and riding back. He would have gained 2 hours by riding both ways. The time he would take to walk both ways, is:
A) 3 hrs 45 min B) 7 hrs 30 min C) 7 hrs 45 min D) D) 11 hrs 45 min
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Q1: D), Q2: C), Q3: E), Q4: D)
How can u solve ex 4
Many of your questions are wrong let alone solutions. These waste our precious time and cause confusion
The answer for Example 4 is wrong. The correct answer 425.6.
Which destination can have a flight every day?
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