Surely you have suffered from acidity or heartburn perhaps? Or had uncomfortable stomach pain due to unhealthy food choices? Well, then you have suffered from Digestive System Disorders. Apart from these, there are also some serious diseases of the digestive system. Let us study their causes and prevention.
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Digestive System Disorders
Disorders of the digestive system or the gastrointestinal tract are quite common. Inflammation of this tract is commonly caused by bacteria and viruses. The intestine can also be infested with parasites like Tapeworm, Hookworm, Pinworm, Roundworm, and Threadworm etc. These parasites can cause infections that need medical attention.
Apart from the above stated, some disorders of the digestive system also include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, constipation, heartburn, diarrhoea, incontinence, difficulty in swallowing etc.
Most of the diseases of the digestive system are related to the food that we eat. A controlled diet, at many times, can help in reducing the discomfiture caused by certain foods. The ailments of the digestive tract can be easily detected by some specialized tests. Come standard testing procedures include colonoscopy, endoscopy, ultrasound etc.
Digestive system disorders also include Jaundice, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Acid Reflux, Constipation, Appendicitis, Indigestion, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Gallstones, Hemorrhoids, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Lactose Intolerance, Stomach Ulcers etc. Let us look at these in some detail.
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It is the excess accumulation of bile pigments in the bloodstream. In jaundice, there is a yellow discolouration of the skin, the whites of the eyes as well as the mucous membranes. This is caused by the increased amount of bilirubin in the blood, which is a byproduct of the breakdown of RBC’s in the body. Normally liver is involved in the metabolism and excretes bilirubin, in the form of bile. Any disruption in this metabolism causes jaundice. It is a most common form of the disease hepatitis.
Nausea and Vomiting
When there is irritation in the stomach, sometimes the stomach contents get ejected from the mouth. This is a reflex action and is called as vomiting. There is a forceful discharge of the stomach contents that come out of the mouth. The uneasiness that usually comes before vomiting is nausea. Vomiting and nausea are generally the symptoms of conditions such as food poisoning, stomach flu, gallbladder disease, ulcers, overeating etc.
Blood in Stool
It is an indicator of a serious problem, that signifies that there is some bleeding in the digestive tract. Anal fissures, Diverticular disease, Peptic ulcers, oesophagal problems etc. could be some of the possible causes of blood in the stool.
Peptic Ulcers
Peptic ulcers are holes or breaks in the protective lining of the duodenum or stomach. Duodenal ulcers, stomach ulcers are the types of ulcers, according to the position where they occur. Â Oesophagal ulcers also occur at times, due to alcohol abuse or exposure to certain antibiotics.
It is the abnormal frequency of the bowel movement. There is an increased liquidity of faecal discharge. The stools are loose and watery. It is generally caused by viruses that cause the infection of the gut.
(Source: WebMD)
These are small pieces of solid material that we find in the gallbladder. When they block the bile duct, it causes immense pain and needs to treated immediately.
Solved Questions For You
Q: Alcohol abuse can cause many digestive disorders. Justify.
Ans. Alcohol causes immense damage to the body. Alcohol abuse has a hugely negative impact on the liver. The liver produces bile. If liver gets damaged, then it cannot produce enough bile, which is required for the emulsification of fats. This causes a major disturbance in the digestion and absorption of food. The stomach wall also tends to become harder, churning less food. Alcohol damages the lining of the stomach, causing gastritis. Â Heartburn, inflammation of the pancreas, alcoholic liver diseases etc. are some of the digestive diseases that alcohol abuses causes.
Please what are the functions of a digestive system?
Muh. Shiva gland. Stomach. Intestine liver
mouth chews food makes salivary starch
gullet passes it to the stomach
stomach churns food makes protease
liver creates bile
gall bladder stores bile
pancreas makes enzymes
stomach makes enzyme
small intestine absorbs nutrients
large intestine absorbs water
rectum stores faeces
anus gets rid of faeces
I need a pdf of all definition