Chemistry Formulas

Hydrogen Sulfate Formula

The Hydrogen Sulfate Formula that is also known as the bisulfate formula is basically a salt of sulfuric acid. Moreover, it is an ion that is having a chemical formula i.e. HSO4. In addition, the chemical compounds with this ion are called as the hydrogen sulfates or as the bisulfates. However, these are acidic in nature and we can use them as a weak form of acid than the sulfuric acid. The formula of the hydrogen sulfate shows that it consists of 1 atom of the hydrogen and sulfur each of them has 4 atoms of the oxygen. However, the ion carries a charge of –1 with it.


Sulfate is a salt of the sulphuric acid. A sulfate ion is a group of atoms that have a formula i.e. SO4 and 2 negative charges. Moreover, it consists of a central sulfur atom that is surrounded by 4 equivalent atoms of the oxygen.

Hydrogen Sulfate Formula and Structure

The chemical compound hydrogen sulfate has the molecular formula i.e. (HSO4), an image showing its chemical structure is present below in the common representations that we normally use for the organic molecules:

Hydrogen Sulfate Formula


The chemical compound hydrogen sulfate has a melting point of about 58.5 °C, and it has a density of 2.345 g/cm3. The molar mass of the hydrogen sulfate is 97.0715 g/mol. The hydrogen sulfate is easily soluble when we put it inside the water. Moreover, it doesn’t have any kind of odor as it is odorless by nature and at the same time, it looks like a white color powder. It has a Covalently-Bonded Unit i.e. 1. The complexity level for this chemical compound is 76 and the pH is 1.

Chemical Properties

The hydrogen sulfate produces the hydronium ion and sulfate ion when we treat it with the water.

The chemical equation for this reaction is present below:

HSO4 + H2O → H3O+ + SO42-

The hydrogen sulfate reacts with the nitrate ion that forms nitrous acid and sulfate ion both at the same time.

The chemical equation for this reaction is available below:

HSO4 + NO2– → SO42- + HNO2


The chemical compound hydrogen sulfate has various types of uses depending upon the situation and the need as well, some of them are as follows:

We can use it as a substitute for the liquid sulfur dioxide in the process of removal of the residual chlorine after conducting the wastewater treatment. Moreover, the sodium salt of the hydrogen sulfate is commonly known as the niter cake because it was previously obtained by the obsolete process. In addition, the resin is useful for soothing the skin of a human being, and its reddish type juice stanches the blood when we use it in the styptic pencils.

Solved Example for You

Question: What is the oxidation number for the sulfur in a chemical compound hydrogen sulfate i.e. HSO4 ion?

Answer: The oxidation number for the sulfur in a chemical compound hydrogen sulfate i.e. HSO4 is S+6.


Some knowledge in the oxidation numbers and the algebra is given as follows:

For the H atom, the most common and popular oxidation state is +1.

For the O atom, the most common and well-known oxidation state is -2.

When we substitute the HSO4- with its oxidation state values we get these as a result:

(+1) + X + [(−2) (4)] = -1, where X = unknown

(+1) + X + (−8) = −1

X + (−7) = −1

X = −1 + (+7)

X = +6

Therefore, the correct answer that we are having right now is S+6.

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