Relation Puzzle questions form a very interesting subset of the blood relation questions. In relation puzzle questions, a group of people and their relationship with each other is provided. The candidate is expected to make an accurate guess as to what the relations between some of them will be. In other words, the various permutations of the relationship tree are to be understood. As is true with the entire section of reasoning ability, the more you practice, the easier it gets! Let us solve some examples.
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Relation Puzzle of the First Kind
Normally a puzzle is something that needs rearranging or has a missing part. But the questions on relation puzzle, have all the information that one requires. Consider the following example:
A person P is the sister of Q. Q is the daughter of R and R is the son of S. If T is the father of S, then how is Q related to T, and how is P related to S?
Answer: To build a family tree will make this problem very simple and less time-consuming. Let us consider the statements one by one.
Statement 1: “P is the sister of Q”. This is the first statement and tells you that the blood relations of P and Q are similar as they are siblings.
Statement 2: “Q is the daughter of R”. Means that P is also the daughter of R.
Statement 3: “R is the son of S”. P and Q are the granddaughters of S. [Ans]
Statement 4: “T is the father of S”. Q is the granddaughter of T.
Here we mapped the problem by considering each statement separately and then summing up the clues. However, in many cases, the clues may be too many and in such cases other methods of mapping the problem like making a family tree can be considered.
Relation Puzzle of the Second Kind
How about a little twist? By now you must have become very familiar with these twists and turns. Let us see another type of example from the blood relation puzzles. Consider the following example:
It is given that A is the brother of B and C is the son of A. If D is the brother of E and E is the daughter of B, then who is the uncle of D?
1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D
Answer: Did you guess A? You were right. Now for those who don’t believe in guesses let us map the problem here.
First Statement: A is the brother of B – This means that all the blood relations that are shown by A are shown by B too.
Second Statement: C is the son of A – This shows that B is the uncle or aunt of A (we don’t know which one yet).
Third Statement: D is the brother of E – Here we see that D and E are the same when it comes to blood relations. The statement following this should solve everything.
Fourth Statement: E is the daughter of B – This means that D is the son of B. Therefore, since A is the brother of B, and D is the son of B, it makes A the uncle of D. Hence the answer is A.
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More Solved Examples
Question 1) 1 and 2 are married and have two sons A and C. A marries B and C marries D. A and B have two sons and C and D have two daughters. 1 and 2 are the grandparents of a, c, b, and d. Answer the following questions:
Q 1: If d is a girl and c is a boy, then who is the uncle of c?
Answer: Since d is a girl that means she is the daughter of C and D. Also since c is a boy, he must be the son of A and B. Thus as C is one of the sons of 1 and 2, therefore, C is the uncle of c.
Q 2: What is the relation between A and D?
Answer: This is a straightforward question. Since A and C are brothers and D is married to C, D is the spouse of A’s brother.
Question 2) A, B, C and D are sitting in a circle, not necessarily in that order though. They are all related to P in the centre. A is the uncle of P. P is the father of B. C is the daughter of P and D is the P’s wife. Answer the following questions:
Q 1: What is the relation between D and B?
Answer: D is the wife of P and P is the father of B. Therefore, D is the mother of B.
Q 2: How is B related to C?
Answer: C is the daughter of P and P is the father of B. Therefore, B and C are siblings.
Practice Questions
Q 1: A, B, C, D, and E are all sitting in a circle, not necessarily in that order. In the centre of the circle is F. If A is the father of F and D is the sibling of F. B is F’s wife. Also, E is the uncle of F and C is the grandfather of F. Answer the following questions:
1. What is the relation between B and A?
Ans: B is the daughter in law of A.
2. How are E and C related to each other?
Ans: C is the father of E.
Q 2: If (i) M is the brother of N; (ii) B is the brother of N; (iii) M is the brother of D, then which of the following statements is definitely true?
- N is the brother of B.
- N is the brother of D.
- M is the brother of B.
- D is the brother of M.
Ans: C) M is the brother of B.
ns father is the brother of js mother who is married to l. how is l related to n meaning in tamil
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