Series Completion

Series Completion Practice Questions

The series Completion Practice Questions section here contains various types of questions that are crafted out of this section. We will see questions on number series, and other such types of questions in Series Completion Practice Questions. This chapter deals with questions in which series of numbers or alphabetical letters are given, which are generally called as terms of the series. These terms follow a certain pattern throughout.

Series Completion Practice Questions

The candidate is required to recognize this pattern and either complete the given series with the most suitable alternative or find the wrong term in the series.

Type 1: Number Series

Q1: Which number would replace question mark in the series 7, 12, 19, ?, 39.

(a) 29          (b) 28          (c) 26              (d) 24              (C.B.I. 1995)

Q2: Which is the number that comes next in the sequence: 0, 6, 24, 60, 120, 210, ?,

(a) 240        (b) 290              (c) 336               (d) 504                   (Hotel Management, 1995)

Q3: Which is the number that comes next in the following sequence? 4, 6. 12, 14. 28. 30. (…..)

(a) 32         (b) 60           (c) 62              (d) 64

Q4: Find out the missing number in the following sequence:

1, 3, 3, 6, 7, 9, ?, 12, 21.

(a) 10          (b) 11               (c) 12              (d) 13

Q5: In the series 357, 363, 369, …. what will be the 10th term?

(a) 405           (b) 411          (c) 413             (d) 417

Q6: How many terms are there in the series 201, 208, 215, ….., 369?

(a) 23            (b) 24            (c) 25             (d) 26

Q7: In the series 7, 14, 28,…. what will be the 10th term?

(a) 1792          (b) 2456               (c) 3584               (d) 4096

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Q1: (b), Q2: (c), Q3: (b), Q4: (d), Q5: (b), Q6: (c), Q7: (e)

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Type 2: Alphabet Series

Series Completion Practice Questions

Part I

Q1: What terms will fill the blank spaces? Z X V T R (….), (……..)

(a) O, K          (b) N, M            (c) K, S             (d) M, N             (e) P, N

Q2: Which term comes next in the sequence: nd iy dt yo tj …?

(a) mp           (b) nq                 (c) of                 (d) oe                  (e) me

Q3: What will be the next term in: BDF, CFI, DHL, ….?               (SAC. 1996)

(a) CJM        (b) EIM               (c) EJO            (d) EMI

Q4: Which term comes next in the series: YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI?

(a) QOL         (b) QGL               (c) TOL            (d) QNL               (Bank P.O. 1996)

Q5: Which term will replace the question mark in the series:

ABD, DGK, HMS, MTB, SBL, …..?                 (M.B.A. 1997)

(a) ZKW            (b) ZKU             (c) ZAB                (d) XKW


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Q1: (e), Q2: (d), Q3: (c), Q4: (a), Q5: (a)

Part II

Directions: In each of the following questions, various terms of a letter series are given with one term missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.

Q1: U. 0, I. ?, A                          (S.S.C. 1994)

(a) E             (b) C               (c) S                 (d) G

Q2: Y, W. U, S, Q. ?, ?

(a) N. J              (b) M, L               (c) J, R             (d) L, M               (e) O, M

Q3: A, B, D, G, ?                         (M.B.A. 1997)

(a) M                 (b) L                      (c) K              (d) H

Q4: Z, U, Q, ?, L                                (Assistant Grade, 1996)

(a) I                   (b) K                   (c) M                     (d) N

Q5: A, C, F, H, ?, M                          (CJB.I. 1997)

(a) L                  (b) K                   (c) J                       (d) I

Q6: A, Z, X. B. V. T. C, R, ?, ?.

(a) P, D             (b) E, O              (c) Q, E                (d) O, Q             (e) Q, O

Q7: R, M, ?, F, D, ?

(a) C, B           (b) J, H               (c) B, H                    (d) H, C              (e) I, C

Q8: Z, L, X. J. V. H, T, F, ?, ?                     (Assistant Grade. 1994)

(a) R, D            (b) R, E          (c) S, E                     (d) Q. D

Q9: Z, S, W, O, T, K, Q, G, ?                 (UJ).C. 1995)

(a) N, C           (b) N, D           (c) O, C           (d) O, D

Q10: W, V, T, S, Q, P, N, M. ?, ?                   (C.B.I. 1996)

(a) I, J           (b) J, I             (c) J, K            (d) K, J

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Q1: (a), Q2: 9e), Q3: (c), 4: (d), Q5: (b), Q6: 9a), Q7: (e), Q8: (a), Q9: (a), Q10: (d)

Part III

Directions: In each of the following questions, a sequence of groups of letters and numbers is given with one term missing as shown by (?). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.

Q11: D-4, F-6, H-8, J-10, ?, ?

(a) K-12, M-13             (b) L-12, M-14                (c) L-12, N-14                    (d) K-12, M-14

Q12: 3F, 6G, 111, 18L, ?     (S.B.I.  P.O. 1994)
(a) 210             (b) 25N          (c) 27             (d) 27Q           (e) 25P

Q13: KM5, IP8, GS11, EV14. ?            (B.S.R.B. 1995)

(a) BX17          (b) BY17        (c) CY18        (d) CZ17           (e) CY17

Q14: J2Z. K4X. I7V, ?, H16R, M22P             (Bank P.O. 1995)

(a) I11T           (b) L l l S         (c) L12T          (d) LI I T            (e) L12S

Q15: 2Z5. 7Y7, 14X9, 23W11, 34V13. ?                 (B.S.R.B. 1996)

(a) 27U24           (b) 47U15              (c) 45U15             (d) 47V14

Q16: 2A11, 4D13, 12G17, ?

(a) 36119            (b) 48J21                (c) 36J21             (d) 48J23

Q17: C4X, F9U, I16R, ?.                   (M.BJL 1998)

(a) K25P             (b) L25P                  (c) L250               (d) L27P

Q18: Q1F, S2E, U6D, W21C, ?

(a) Y66B             (b) Y44B                  (c) Y88B               (d) Z88B

Q19. Find the wrong term in the letter-number series given below:

G4Tf J10R, M20P, P43N, S90L              (Bank P.O. 1994)

(a) G4T              (b) J10R              (c) M20P             (d) P43N             (e) S90L

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Q11: (c), Q12: (c), Q13: (e), Q14: (d), Q15: (b), Q16: (d), Q17: (c), Q18: (c), Q19: (b)

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One response to “Alphabet Series”

  1. Alan Livesey says:

    There are a number of errors on this page:

    In example 2:
    “You can see that each of the numbers is a square and that the sequence is a perfect square series. 1, 22, 32, 42 (=16). The alphabet that corresponds to 16 is P. ”
    should read
    “You can see that each of the numbers is a square and that the sequence is a perfect square series. 1, 2×2, 3×3, 4×4 (=16). The alphabet that corresponds to 16 is P. ”
    (I suspect that the original text from which this was prepared used superscript but this has not been reflected in the online version, so use “2×2” or “2^2” which most people are familiar with from Excel)

    In Circular Arrangement Series:
    “These type of questions are similar to the ones we saw earlier. But there our numbering scheme would stop at 26 with X.”
    should read
    “These type of questions are similar to the ones we saw earlier. But there our numbering scheme would stop at 26 with Z.”

    In example 3:
    “Answer: The lesser the number of alphabets present, the greater the difficulty of the question. Here you see that V and A have a difference of 4 alphabets between them. Similarly, A and H have a difference of 6 alphabets between them if we follow the circular order of the alphabets. Thus the next alphabet will have to have a difference of 8 alphabets with H. This alphabet is Q. Thus the series is V, A, H, Q. Therefore the correct option is s) P.”
    should read
    “Answer: The lesser the number of alphabets present, the greater the difficulty of the question. Here you see that V and A have a difference of 4 letters between them. Similarly, A and H have a difference of 6 letters between them if we follow the circular order of the alphabets. Thus the next alphabet will have to have a difference of 8 letters with H. This letter is Q. Thus the series is V, A, H, Q. Therefore the correct option is d) P.”

    In example 4:
    “Answer: We will have to figure out the rule to every sequence. If you use the table, you will see that it becomes much more convenient to guess the rule. For example, in the first series, Q = 17; T = 20, X = 24; C = 29 [circular alphabet order]. Thus it forms a series under the rule. Similarly for the second option, F 6, P = 16, Z = 26 and J = 36. It also forms a correct sequence. Let us see the third one i.e. W = 23; U = 21; R = 18; and N = 14. So it is a wrong sequence. In place of N = 14, we should have had O.

    That means the only series here that has a wrong term should be d). Let us check it. We have A = 1, L = 12, W = 23, H = 34.
    should read
    Answer: We will have to figure out the rule to every sequence. If you use the table, you will see that it becomes much more convenient to guess the rule. For example, in the first series, Q = 17; T = 20, X = 24; C = 29 [circular alphabet order]. Thus it forms a series under the rule. Similarly for the second option, F 6, P = 16, Z = 26 and J = 36. It also forms a correct sequence. Let us see the fourth one i.e. A = 1, L = 12, W = 23, H = 34 which is a correct sequence.

    Let us see the third one i.e. W = 23; U = 21; R = 18; and N = 14. So it is a wrong sequence. In place of N = 14, we should have had O.

    Kind regards,

    PS If you have other material that needs proof-reading I am frequently called upon to spot typos and grammatical errors in texts of all types including dense technical ones.

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