Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Speech
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Speech – The Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi has given stress on the need of protecting and educating the girl child. That’s what pushes him to take the initiative (Beti Bachao Beti Padhao).
At a time when the country is moving towards being a superpower if not in the future but in the long run. In some parts of the country, the condition of daughters is depressing. At these places, family members and people treat them unequally from boys.
They are not allowed to go to schools beyond primary classes, deprived of all the facilities that their brothers enjoy. In some places, they were killed in their mother’s womb even before they were born.
Due to this reason, the girls are suffering a lot and issues like exploitation, physical assault, dowry, and sexual assaults. So, the question that arises here is that, do we live in a civilized society when our equal partners in this life are suffering like animals and even worse? The answer is ‘no’.
What we can do to improve the condition of women in the country?
To overcome these problems the PM of the country has to take an initiative, hence he launched the ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ scheme. However, it is the responsibility of the entire human race to save the girl children. Also, to make sure that they don’t get killed in the womb of their mothers.
It is the duty of their parents to ensure quality education for them. Because if they can stand on their feet, then the entire nation will automatically stand. In addition, there is a necessity to create awareness among the people about the need for daughter and their education.
For these schools and higher education institutions can be quite useful. Be a part of this noble initiative to save our planet and everything on lives on.
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Why Girl Child Education is so Important?
It is important for the future of the country because when they will be someone’s wife, mother, or grandmother, they will teach those things to their generation.
As the French statesman, Nepolean Bonaparte said “Nation’s progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers. If the women of my country are not educated, about half of the people will be ignorant.”
However, if you look at the reports then you will find that girls are clearing the IAS exams, flying airplanes, topping board exams. In addition, they are topping competitive exams like NEET, JEE, etc.
All these prove how important girl education is and what change it could bring to society. Furthermore, women empowerment is not just a phase, it is more than that now.
Who does not remember the success of India in the Rio Olympics where P.V. Sandhu, Dipa Karmakar, Deepa Malik, Sakshi Malik proved that our girls can do miracles in sports too if they get an opportunity.
In the Rio Olympics, the whole country was waiting for a single medal but our boys failed, but our girls not only saves the day but also made the whole nation proud. After which Sakshi Malik’s mother extended the title says – “Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao, Beti Khilao”.
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Some facts about the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme
This may sound boring but these facts and figures are very useful for the scheme. First of all, the government has identified 100 districts across the country where the sex ratio is low according to the census of 2011.
In addition, the IMA (Indian Medical Association) supported this motive. Also, the condition in numerous districts improved after the launch of this scheme in January 2015.
To conclude, we can say that Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a very good scheme. It ensures the growth, development, and safety of girl child in the country. Moreover, it gives them the opportunity to show the world what they are capable of.
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