Banks Practice Questions will focus on the topics such as Major Functions Of Banks, Types Of Deposit & Accounts, Major Security Issues & Challenges, Loans, Debit Cards, Credit Cards & Microcredit. Here in this section of Banks Practice Questions, we have compiled a diverse set of questions that will let you gain ample practice and also give you an idea of the level and depth of the questions that the candidate will encounter in their examination.
Banks Practice Questions
Part A
Q1: Consider the following statements:
- In Indian Commercial Banking System, the number of the Non-Scheduled Bank is more than the Scheduled Banks.
- The Non-Scheduled Banks in Indian Commercial Banking System are even less than a dozen in number.
Which of the statements given above is/ are correct?
A) Only 1. B) Only 2 C) Both 1 and 2 D) Neither 1 and 2 E) Can’t say
Q2: Which one of the following banks can be included in the Scheduled Commercial Banking System of India?
A) Regional Rural Banks. B) Private Sector Banks. C) Foreign Banks in India. D) All of the above E) None of the above.
Q3: Consider the following statements:
- Scheduled Commercial Banks are those which have been included in the First Scheduled of R B I Act of 1934.
- Non-Scheduled Commercial Banks are those which have been included in the Second Scheduled of R B I Act, 1934.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
A) Only 1 B) Only 2 C) Both 1 and 2 D) Neither 1 nor 2 E) Can’t say
Q4: Presently, the number of the public sector banks in India is?
A) Eight B) Twenty C) Twenty-eight D) Fourteen E) None of these
Q5: Which of the following is the popular ‘saving bank’ among the children?
A) Core banking B) Credit banking C) Debit banking D) Merchant banking E) Piggy banking
Q6: Which bank became the State Bank of India in 1995?
A) General Bank of India. B) Bank of Hindustan C) Imperial Bank of India D) Federal Bank of India E) None of the above
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Q1: B), 2: D), 3: B), Q4: C), Q5: E), Q6: C)
Part B
Q1: S B I day is observed on?
A) Ist January B) Ist April C) Ist July D) Ist August E) None of these
Q2: Generally, the minimum rate below which the banks don’t lend is known as:
A) floor rate B) repo rate C) highest rate D) base rate E) all of these
Q3: Which of the following banks has acquired the ‘Centurion Bank of Punjab’?
A) I C I CI Bank B) I D B I Bank C) H D F C Bank D) A X I S Bank
E) None of the above Banks
Q4: Board for Financial Supervision (B F S) constituted in 1994 by R B I to undertake consolidated supervision of?
A) Commercial banks B) Financial institutions C) non-banking finance companies D) None of the above E) All of the above
Q5: Name the premier institution that is taking care of the financial needs of importers and exporters of our country which was established in the year 1981.
A) E X P O Bank B) Export-Import Bank (E X I M) C) Merchant Bank D) E C G C E) None of the above
Q6: Which bank became the State Bank of India in 1955?
A) General Bank of India B) Bank of Hindustan C) Imperial bank of India D) Federal Bank of India E) None of the above
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Q1: C), Q2: D), Q3: C), Q4: E), Q5: B) Q6: C)
Part C
Q1: S M E R A is an S M E Rating Agency in India meant for?
A) rating on credit worthless of M S M E
B) the rating on quality mngement.
C) rating on training system.
D) the rating on technology usage in (the organisation).
E) None of the above.
Q2: F I P B stands for?
A) Foreign Investment Permanent Board.
B) Finance & Industrial Promotion Board.
C) Foreign Investment Promotion Board.
D) Financial Investment Promotion Board.
E) None of the above.
Q3: C G T M S E stands for?
A) Central Government Fund Trust for Medium and Small Enterprises.
B) Credit Guarantee Fund for Medium Size Enterprises.
C) Central Government Transfer Fund for Multispeciality Micro Enterprises.
D) Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises.
E) None of the above.
Q4: The first nationalisation of banks exercise was done on?
A) 19th June, 1969 B) 19th June, 1970 C) 19th June, 1967 D) 15th July, 1967 E) None of the above
Q5: How many banks were nationalised in the second phase in 1980?
A) Five B) Six C) Seven D) Four E) One
Q6: Imperial Banks were amalgamated and changed as ………?
A) Reserve Bank of India (R B I)
B) State Banks of India.
C) Subsidiary Banks.
D) Union Bank of India.
E) Corporation Bank.
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Q1: A), Q2: C), Q3: D), Q4: A), Q5: B), Q6: B)
ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine, so saying ATM Machine is as redundant as saying Chai Tea