Physics is the natural science that studies the matter and its motion and behaviour through space and time and that studies the related entities of energy and force. Let’s find out more about basic physics.
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Introduction to Basic Physics
Physics is one of the broader subjects that fall under the category of Science. The main object of all the three division, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry are to understand the law of the universe and understand everything in it. Physics is concerned with every aspect of Universe. It is a scientific study that governs the physical world and natural phenomenon around us. It deals with matter and its relation to energy.
Everything from the rainbow formation of eclipse occurrence to the falling of things from up to down ( gravity ), the cause of sunset or sunrise is all bound to have answers and Basic Physics states it all. Behind every question lies the four important aspect or terms to understand: Hypothesis, Model, Theory, and Law.
Physics is complicated but it also relies on a number of the law of nature that is accepted on discoveries and inventions. Some of them include Sir Isaac Newton’s Law of Gravity as well as his Three Laws of Motion. Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity the laws of thermodynamics. The several branches of Physics are –
- Classical Mechanics
- Thermodynamics
- Electromagnetism
- Relativity
- Integrative Fields
Physics uses the methods that are scientific to reveal the principles that govern light and matter and as well to discover the implications of those laws. Physics aims to describe the function of everything that is present around us with the movement of tiny charged particles to the motion of people, flights, care.
Everything around us can be very accurately described by the law of physics. Physics is also about the study of nature and forces which are measured by the physical quantities.
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Gravity and Electric Current
Gravity is one of the universal forces if nature that is a force acting upon all matters. The gravitational force between two objects is dependent on their masses. The first scientist to define the law of gravitation was Issac Newton. The law of gravitation states the gravity is strongest when between two huge objects and as and when those objects get apart, it gets much weaker.
The interactions of the Universe are governed by the four forces including – Strong, Weak, Electromagnetic and Gravitational. Electric Current is another aspect of Physics which play a very important role. The continuous flow of electrons through a conducting material is known as electric current.
Questions for you
Q1: What is the biggest planet in our solar system?
Sol: Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.
Q2: What famous scientist was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics?
Sol: Albert Einstein was awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on theoretical physics.
Q3: What is the earth’s primary source of energy?
Sol: The sun is the earth’s primary source of energy.
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