Answer: Comments in Python are mainly of four types:
- Single-line comments
# List of numbers
numbers = [76, 5, 3, 68, 43, 23, 54, 42, 11]
- Multi-line comments
# Python code is
# easy to understandÂ
# with comments
- String literals as comments
""I can write a comment for list of numbers like this""
numbers = [76, 5, 3, 68, 43, 23, 54, 42, 11]
 Here, the sentence in the quotes is a string literal that acts as a comment. This is because it is not assigned to a variable.
- Python docstrings
def hello(name):
    This function greets
    the person passed as
    a parameter
    print("Hello, " + name + ". How are you?")
Hello, Lisa. How are you?
In the above code, the lines written between the triple quotes are a docstring, and they explain the hello() function.
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