Democratic Rights

Rights and Fundamental Rights

We often hear about activists or common people fighting for their human rights. But what are these rights? And who gave us these rights? Why do people have to fight for their rights? Let’s find out more about Rights and Fundamental Rights.

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Introduction To Human Rights and Fundamental Rights

human rights

The Rights and Fundamental Rights are sections of the Constitution of India that provides people with their rights. These Fundamental Rights are considered as basic human rights of all citizens, irrespective of their gender, caste, religion or creed. etc. These sections are the vital elements of the constitution, which was developed between 1947 and 1949 by the Constitution of India.

There are six fundamental rights in India. They are Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right against Exploitation, Right to Freedom of Religion, Cultural and Educational Rights, and  Right to Constitutional Remedies.

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1. Right to Equality

Right to Equality ensures equal rights for all the citizens. The Right to Equality prohibits inequality on the basis of caste, religion, place of birth, race, or gender. It also ensures equality of opportunity in matters of public employment and prevents the State from discriminating against anyone in matters of employment on the grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, place of residence or any of them.

2. Right to Freedom

Right to freedom provides us with various rights. These rights are freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly without arms, freedom of movement throughout the territory of our country, freedom of association, freedom to practice any profession, freedom to reside in any part of the country. However, these rights have their own restrictions.

3. Right against Exploitation

Right against Exploitation condemns human trafficking, child labor, forced labor making it an offense punishable by law, and also prohibit any act of compelling a person to work without wages where he was legally entitled not to work or to receive remuneration for it. Unless it is for the public purpose, like community services or NGO work. 

4. Right to Freedom of Religion

Right to Freedom of Religion guarantees religious freedom and ensures secular states in India. The Constitutions says that the States should treat all religions equally and impartially and that no state has an official religion. It also guarantees all people the freedom of conscience and the right to preach, practice and propagate any religion of their choice. 

5. Cultural and Educational Rights

Cultural and Educational Rights protects the rights of cultural, religious and linguistic minorities by enabling them to conserve their heritage and protecting them against discrimination. Educational rights ensure education for everyone irrespective of their caste, gender, religion, etc. 

6. Right to Constitutional Remedies

Right to Constitutional Remedies ensures citizens to go to the supreme court of India to ask for enforcement or protection against violation of their fundamental rights. The Supreme Court has the jurisdiction to enforce the Fundamental Rights even against private bodies, and in case of any violation, award compensation as well to the affected individual.

The Supreme Court recently added Right To Privacy in the fundamental rights.

Question For You

Q. Fundamental rights or basic human rights are guaranteed to _____

  1. its citizens
  2. tourists
  3. aliens
  4. None of the above

Sol: a. Guaranteed to its citizens. Fundamental rights are bestowed on every Indian citizen without considering the caste, creed, sex or religion.

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Democratic Rights
  • Rights and Fundamental Rights

18 responses to “Rights and Fundamental Rights”

  1. Lore Online says:

    Families are also becoming more open to boarding schools, where academics and extracurriculars are managed in a holistic setting, enabling students to nurture different interests more easily.
    The majority of Indian students, however, are still enrolled in national curricula, meaning they will remain under pressure to score well on exams. Thanks for article loved it!

  2. Anup khandekar says:

    7 वा जो हक्क आहे तो कोणता हक्क आहे आणि का काढण्यात आला आहे

  3. KT Kishan says:

    Human rights are birth rights and no government or a constitution can grant on it’s citizens. It is about full freedom we enjoy.

  4. unais says:

    I really proud in our constitution

  5. G8t0e6r` says:



  6. Tarun says:

    I’m in part 1 sem 2

  7. Ihsan says:

    Good for study’s

  8. Asdfghjklzxc says:


  9. legenda_legends_T_O says:

    lol not the thing that I want.

  10. Seema says:

    Modi government me ek bhi rights nhi bache

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  • Rights and Fundamental Rights

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