English Literature

Mending Wall Poem Summary and Analysis

Summary of Mending Wall

Mending wall is a poem written by Robert Frost. Through the mending wall summary, we will get a better understanding of the poem. This poem is indeed a thought-provoking one. In other words, it makes us think about human limitations and societal advantages. Mending wall summary will tell you how the poem revolves around two neighbours. They meet each other during the spring every year. It is to mend the stone wall separating their farms. Moreover, the neighbour believes in the old thinking of ‘good fences make good neighbours’.

Further, he also thinks that such walls are what contribute to maintaining long-lasting relationships with neighbours. However, the poet, being the other neighbour, does not understand this traditional folly of such logic. Although the neighbour is not persuaded, the poet still does not understand the necessity of the wall. In the end, neither of them are swayed from their thinking.

Mending Wall Summary in English 

mending wall summary

Mending wall is quite a stimulating poem that challenges conventional thinking. Written by Robert Frost, it got published in 1914 and gained massive popularity globally for its simple yet insightful theme. Mending wall summary will take you through the poem in brief. Moreover, it will also help in getting an understanding of the analysis of the poem.

Mending wall summary will begin by introducing the two main characters of the poem. It is about two neighbours that have a wall between them. Moreover, it is mainly about their yearly activity of mending the wall every spring.

Both the neighbours are of conflicting views. While the speaker feels there is no need for walls, his neighbour believes the opposite. They both live over a hill and together they are walking along the wall and fixing the gaps along the way. Further, they’re both on the opposite sides of the wall in their respective boundaries.

The poet describes that there are rocks on the ground on both their sides which look like loaves of bread. Similarly, others are round like balls. In mending wall summary, the poet explains how their fingers chafe after picking up the rocks.

He considers it just an activity and nothing more. Further, the poet believes that there is no requirement for a wall. In other words, he means that they just have trees only. Thus, they won’t cross and do any harm.

However, his neighbour does not think the same. He responds with ‘good fences are necessary to have good neighbours’. The poet disagrees because it’s not like they have any cows that will cross over.

In addition, he says that there is a force which does not love a wall. That is to say, it wants to pull it down. The poet proposes that elves could be making gaps in the wall. However, he wishes the neighbour to understand on his own.

In the conclusion of the mending wall summary, the poet wishes his neighbour figures it out because he does not want to change his traditional thinking. So much so that he repeats the statement of good fences again.

Conclusion of Mending Wall Summary

Mending Wall summary symbolizes the life duality along with an underlying theme of destruction and creation that goes hand in hand. He says that the wall is a representation of uncertainty, separating and uniting two people simultaneously.

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3 responses to “My Greatest Olympic Prize Summary”

  1. Tanjil says:

    The wonderful summary thank you for this.

  2. Niharika negi says:

    They did not belong to the family of gorden cook and you also didn’t write the spelling correct it’s James cook 😶😑

  3. hmMmm says:

    What’s funny is that Miss Fairchild said the line- “Money isn’t everything. But people always misunderstand things and remain stupid-” when she herself misunderstood the situation.

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