English Literature

The Open Window by Saki Plot Summary

The Open Window Summary

The open window summary offers a great way of learning about the story in brief. It follows the life of Framton, who moves into a new town. He wishes to cure his nerves and his sister helps him as she lived there. She arranges a meeting with one of her acquaintances, Mrs Sappleton. On reaching her house, he encounters her niece, Vera. She points to an open window and tells him about the reason behind it. She tells Framton that her aunt’s husband and his two brothers got killed in a tragic hunting accident.

Moreover, she warns him that Mrs Sappleton anticipates their return so she keeps the window open. Finally, Mrs Sappleton comes to meet him and tells him that she is waiting for her husband. This disturbs Framton and he gets horrified when he sees three male approaching him in hunting gear. Thus, he flees the house.

The Open Window Summary in English

the open window summary

The open window summary takes us through Framton Nuttel’s arrival at a new town. The story is written by Saki. Framton is not a social man so his sister has set up him to know her acquaintances.

He arrives at her acquaintance’s house, Mrs Sappleton. Her niece, Vera, greets him. She entertains him till the aunt arrives to greet him. During this encounter, we learn a few things about the Sappletons.

When talking to Vera, Framton reveals to her about his lack of social skills. Thus, she starts telling him about the story of the open window. She says it was a great tragedy which took place in her aunt’s life.

The open window summary explains the great tragedy that took place three years ago. Vera points at the large French window which was open even in the chilly weather. Thus, she begins to tell all about it.

Mrs Sappleton’s husband and her two brothers left through the same window for hunting. However, she says the earth swallowed them up as they never returned. Thus, her aunt still in grief keeps the window open waiting for them to return.

She describes the same exact way in which they left. Her husband was carrying a white coat. At this point, her aunt comes in to greet Framton. She apologizes for being late and hopes Vera amused him meanwhile.

After that, to Framton’s shock, Mrs Sappleton makes a remark on the open window. She tells him it is open as she is waiting for her husband and brothers to return from a hunting trip.

This convinces Framton even more of Vera’s story. He is shocked to see her still fixated on their death. Moreover, Mrs Sappleton continues looking at the open window anticipating their return.

But, what shocks Framton the most is the arrival of three men in hunting attire. They approach the house and Framton is convinced they are ghosts. Thus, he runs away frantically.

Finally, we see Vera has a story for this as well. Framton’s reaction confuses Mrs Sappleton. But she assures her that Framton got scared of the hunting dog because he has a phobia of dogs.

Thus, we look at how Vera is so good at spinning tales. She utilizes the situation at hand and is quick to whip tales back to back without any hesitation.

Conclusion of The Open Window Summary

The Open Window summary tells us about the ability of clever people weaving deceptive stories to be manipulative to others. Moreover, it also shows how tough it can be to determine the truth in a story.

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3 responses to “My Greatest Olympic Prize Summary”

  1. Tanjil says:

    The wonderful summary thank you for this.

  2. Niharika negi says:

    They did not belong to the family of gorden cook and you also didn’t write the spelling correct it’s James cook 😶😑

  3. hmMmm says:

    What’s funny is that Miss Fairchild said the line- “Money isn’t everything. But people always misunderstand things and remain stupid-” when she herself misunderstood the situation.

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