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Difference between Liverworts and Mosses

Typically observed in the non-flowering and non-vascular plants we can find liverworts and mosses. These are available in the terrestrial and wet habitats. Liverworts belong to the Marchantiophyta and mosses belong to the Bryophyte. Mosses are simple in their structure and are tiny and leafy arrangements type having radial or spiral symmetry. Whereas Liverworts have foliose and thallus which are green-leaf-like arrangements attached to the stem. The difference between Liverworts and Mosses is very important to distinguish. Such non-vascular plants are distinguished as very small plants lacking the functionality which can be seen in advanced plants. They are absent of any transportation system for gaseous exchange and transport of other materials and water. This article explains the difference between Liverworts and Mosses.

What are Liverworts?

Liverworts are found as a group of non-vascular plants. They are very much different from most of the plants which we generally think about. They don’t produce seeds, flowers, fruit, or wood, and also they are lacking the vascular tissue. But liverworts produce the spores for reproduction. These are very primitive plants and many species are only contain a single layer of cells. They are different from more advanced plants, as they don’t have any stomata in their tissue. These are used by most plant groups for taking carbon-di-oxide into their leaves for photosynthesis.

What are Mosses?

Mosses are also plant similar to Liverworts means a phylum of non-vascular plants. They produce spores used for reproduction instead of seeds. These don’t grow flowers, wood, or true roots. Instead of the usual roots, all mosses have rhizoids. The mosses sit within the plant division termed as Bryophyte under the sub-division Musci. Mosses have spread all around the world, but these are found in wet environments such as rainforests, wetlands, and alpine ecosystems. Mosses require water for reproduction.

Difference between Liverworts and Mosses

difference between liverworts and mosses

                                                                 difference between liverworts and mosses

The important difference between Liverworts and Mosses

Parameter Liverworts Mosses
Structure These are like thallus which is dichotomously branched or lobed and is dorsoventrally flattened. These are like thallus or the stem which are leafy having radial or spiral symmetry.
Division These belong to the division ‘Marchantiophyta’ These belong to the division ‘Bryophyta’.
Branching Branching is typically dichotomous. Here, Branching is lateral and extra-axillary.
Arrangement of leaves These patterns are forming 2-3 rows exhibited by liverworts similar to the structure of leaves. Such a structure resembles leaves displaying whorl or spiral pattern type.
Scales or amphigastria May be present in these. Not present at all in these.
Green tissues in the sporangium Present in very little number. Present in a sufficient number.
Examples Riccia, Porella, and Marchantia are examples. Polytrichum, Funaria, and Sphagnum are examples.

FAQs on Liverworts and Mosses:

Q.1: What is the number of different species in liverworts?

Answer: Liverworts are a relatively diverse group of plants with around 8000 species. Mainly these species are the type of leafy species.

Q.2: How big size the mosses exist?

Answer: Mosses are limited in size due to their poor ability to transport water. This is due to the absence of vascular tissue. They are usually less than an inch in height, as the tallest mosses species in the world can grow up to 20 inches.

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3 responses to “Difference Between Bryophytes And Pteridophytes”

  1. Galadima says:

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  2. Olatunji Akinola says:

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  3. Nneka chinedu says:

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