English Literature

Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Plot Summary

Summary of Death of a Salesman

Death of a salesman summary explains the happenings that take place in the story. It is a story about a salesman. Thus, the play addresses essential issues like losing one’s identity, inability to accept change and more. The story is a mixture of reminiscences, dreams, conflicts, arguments and more in Willy Loman’s life.

Thus, the death of a salesman summary follows the life of Willy, who is a salesman professionally. He lives with his wife and has two sons. The times are evolving fast and Willy is unable to keep up. He does not like living in his 25-year old home which the apartment building surround. Moreover, Willy is not doing good at his job and his sons are not as successful as he wishes them to be. Amidst all this stress and tension, he finally commits suicide to help his family lead a better life with the insurance money.

Death of a Salesman Summary in English

death of a salesman summary

Death of a Salesman summary will explain the play written by Arthur Miller. in a comprehensive manner. It follows the life of a salesman, Willy Loman, who lives in New York City in the late 1940s.

Willy has a wife, Linda, and two sons, Happy and Biff. Willy does not like to live in his 25-year old home which is now surrounded by apartment buildings. Moreover, Willy cannot focus on driving and violates traffic laws often.

His condition is worsening as he talks to himself more than before. Further, he also stresses about his sons not being successful enough. Although, Happy has a job and lives in his apartment. However, Biff is still struggling and not earning enough.

At work, things are not looking good for Willy either. He has been demoted and thus, earns lesser. To worsen things, he now hallucinates too. He believes he is living in an earlier time of his life. For instance, he talks to his dead brother, Ben.

This disturbs his friend, Charley, as well. Further, in the death of a salesman summary, we learn how this disturbs his sons as well. They learn about the increase in car accidents from their mother.

Thus, the sons decide to stay closer to their parents. Moreover, they think of starting a family business together. Biff decides to ask his former boss for a loan for this business. This plan makes the family hopeful for the future.

Similarly, Willy also talks to his boss to change his position from a travelling salesman to a floor salesman. However, they end up in an argument when his boss declines and eventually fires Willy.

On the other hand, Biff’s boss avoids him and he realizes he won’t get help from him. The boys were supposed to meet Willy at the restaurant to celebrate the expected success, but it turns out to be bad.

The boys leave Willy alone and leave with some girls. This infuriates Linda and she scolds them for doing that. After a heavy confrontation, they express their feelings for each other emotionally.

Finally, Willy decides that the insurance money can be beneficial for his family so he kills himself. At the end of the death of a salesman summary, we see Linda having troubles dealing with her husband’s death.

She does not accept his death and keep waiting for him to return from his business trip. At last, she is living in a house paid for but no one to share it with. Thus, it shows us the harsh reality of capitalism and its impact.

Conclusion of Death of a Salesman Summary

Death of a Salesman summary gives a very relevant message in today’s time. It shows us the psychological chaos of the salesman, much similar to most people today, who give in to the capitalist society and let it overpower them.

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3 responses to “My Greatest Olympic Prize Summary”

  1. Tanjil says:

    The wonderful summary thank you for this.

  2. Niharika negi says:

    They did not belong to the family of gorden cook and you also didn’t write the spelling correct it’s James cook 😶😑

  3. hmMmm says:

    What’s funny is that Miss Fairchild said the line- “Money isn’t everything. But people always misunderstand things and remain stupid-” when she herself misunderstood the situation.

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