Oscillations Class 11 CBSE Revision Notes
This article deals with oscillations class 11 notes. Humans usually come across various kinds of motions in their daily life. Furthermore, some types of motions can be rectilinear motion, projectile motion, oscillatory motion, periodic motion, etc. Moreover, circular uniform motion and the motion of planets in the solar system happen to be repetitive.
The period T is the least time after which repetition of motion takes place. Furthermore, one cannot say that every periodic motion is simple harmonic motion. Moreover, the periodic motion, whose governance happens by the force law F = -k x is simple harmonic. Circular motion arises due to the inverse-square law force and simple harmonic force in two dimensions.
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Sub-topics covered under Oscillations
- Simple Harmonic Motion– This is oscillatory motion under a retarding force that is proportional to the displacement amount from a position of equilibrium.
- Damped Simple Harmonic Motion– This refers to periodic motions of gradually decreasing amplitude.
- Forced Simple Harmonic Motion– This is a type of motion that takes place when one forces a pendulum to oscillate continuously.
- Force Law for Simple Harmonic Motion– The force which acts on a simple harmonic motion is always towards the center of motion and proportional to the displacement.
- Velocity and Acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion– In simple harmonic mean, velocity is zero at the extreme ends in contrast to acceleration which is zero in the middle.
- Some Systems executing Simple Harmonic Motion– Such systems include a spring block system as well as a simple pendulum.
- Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion– The total energy in a simple harmonic motion refers to the sum of its kinetic energy and potential energy.
- Periodic and Oscillatory Motion– Periodic motion is the one whose repetition takes place in equal time intervals while in oscillatory motion is the repeated motion whereby the object repeats the movement over and over.
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