A Letter to Editor is written and submitted to a magazine or a newspaper to raise awareness of a social issue. It is usually written with the intention of having it published in the specified medium. Because it is a formal letter, it must be written strictly according to the structure, with proper use of Formal Language and avoidance of shortcuts, etc. For the student’s convenience, we have discussed Letter to Editor with different sample letters.
Letter to Editor
A Letter to Editor is a formal detailed letter addressed to the editor of a specific publication/magazine/newspaper with the goal of complementing, critiquing, enlightening or conveying a specific piece of information to society. For example, a letter to the editor of a local newspaper in your neighbourhood describing the uncleanliness in the area could be written.
It can also be written or published via traditional or electronic mail. They are occasionally published in different mediums such as entertainment and technical periodicals, radio and television stations. It can be worded in such a way that it sparks a lot of community debate and piques the interest of the news media.
Guidelines to Write a Letter to Editor
The following guidelines can help you get your Letters to the Editor authorized. They are as follows:
- Keep your letter short and to the point, no more than 300 words, as editors have limited space for printing letters.
- Try to include crucial information in the first paragraph.
- Write about a recent community event.
- To make your case, use local statistics and personal stories.
- Include the title and name since it adds credibility.
- Include your phone number and email address so that editors can contact you.
- If the letter is not accepted the first time, submit a revised version.
- Along with the Letter, submit a Disclosure of Interest Form.
- Reread your letter to verify there are no spelling mistakes.
- In official correspondence, do not use acronyms or slang.
Format for a Letter to the Editor
Sender’s Address
The Editor
Recipient Editor’s Address
Subject: _______________________ (Main purpose of the letter)
Salutation or Greeting: (Respected Sir/Ma’am),
Body of the Letter: The objective of the letter should be explained in the body of the letter. There should be three paragraphs in the body. Introduce yourself and describe the goal of the Letter in the first paragraph. The second paragraph should cover the specifics of the situation and express it in simple terms. Include your expectations from the Editor in the third paragraph.
Complimentary Closing,
Full Name
Designation (if needed)
Letter to Editor Samples
Some of the most frequent applications for letters to the editors are as follows:
Sample 1 – Letter to Editor Regarding Environmental Pollution
30, Adarsh Nagar,
MGM Road,
Delhi – 200042
1st August 2022
The Editor
India Today
Subject: Awareness of the increase in the environmental pollution in the area
Respected Sir/Madam,
My name is Priyanka, and I work for the NGO SEVA. I’m writing to draw your attention to the growing impact of environmental degradation in our neighbourhood and the surrounding area. I would like to raise the kind attention of the concerned authorities to environmental awareness through the editorial column of your renowned newspaper.
The use of private transportation in Delhi has increased rapidly, as has the number of industrial sectors that have emerged in recent years. This has increased the likelihood of major health concerns such as breathing difficulties, chronic diseases, lung damage, nausea, exhaustion, and so on. Unfortunately, man has been harming his own benefactors in his ignorance thus far. Our government has just recently become aware of the depth of the situation. Scientists are working on ways to reduce the impact of the smoke emitted by our automobiles and chimneys. Indeed, environmental awareness is a social requirement. It is not just the government’s job, but also every individual’s social responsibility, to assist maintain the environment clean.
Because of the gravity of the situation, I respectfully request that you draw attention to it so that action can be made to reduce the impact of environmental pollution and the risk of people being affected by it.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Priyanka Dsouza
Member of NGO SEVA
Sample 2 – Letter to Editor Regarding Improper Curriculum and Guidance to Students
L.B.S Road
20th July 2022
The Editor
India Today
Subject: To draw attention to the difficulties that students at XYZ University confront
Respected Sir/Madam,
I live in Mumbai and attend XYZ university. I would want to highlight a few issues that students at our University confront.
There is a lack of clarity surrounding our curriculum, which has resulted in regular disagreements between students and faculty in recent months. Students are not notified of important dates, which adds to their stress. As a result, we students are having a difficult time taking exams.
It would be fantastic if you addressed this issue in one of your columns in order to improve staff and department efficiency. It would also benefit future students who wish to study at XYZ university.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Explore More Sample Letters
- Leave Letter
- Letter to Uncle Thanking him for Birthday Gift
- Joining Letter After Leave
- Invitation Letter for Chief Guest
- Consent Letter
- Complaint Letter Format
- Authorization Letter
Sample 3 – Letter to Editor Regarding Donation to a Flood Relief
10th June, 20XX
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject: Appeal for Assam Flood Relief
Respected Sir/Madam,
In the last month, India has witnessed one of the worst manifestations of nature’s wrath-floods in Assam, which washed away thousands of pilgrims, resulting in a massive loss of life and property and leaving millions impoverished and homeless. Through the pages of this newspaper, I would like to urge people across the country to react to this call to action on behalf of our less fortunate brethren who have been affected by this calamity.
My appeal is that assistance, whether in the form of food, medicine, or money, be not only forthcoming but also well-organized, in order to benefit the greatest number of people.
Thank you.
Yours faithful,
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What are the motivations for drafting a letter to editor?
Answer. The letter to the editor is a way to communicate with the public and allow them to express their thoughts, concerns, and issues about the published column or current events in the city or country. A Letter to Editor is written and submitted to a magazine or a newspaper to raise awareness of a social issue.
Q2. Is a letter to the editor informal or formal?
Answer. A letter to the editor is a formal letter that discusses a critical problem that affects people. By writing a letter to the editor, you are bringing the matter to the attention of the entire nation.
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