In every competitive exam, there are many questions that are fact-based. These questions are very easy to answer if you are well aware of the fact. Unlike other questions, these questions will take very less time to answer. Thus, it becomes important to know these questions. One of those topics is the population census. Population census appears in almost all the exams with general awareness in it.
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Overview of Population Census
One of the first censuses is said to have been conducted in the Mauryan period. It was mentioned in ‘Arthashashtra’ by Kautilya. Later it was mentioned during the Mughal period. Furthermore, in the modern time, the census was first conducted in non-synchronous fashion from 1865 to 1872.
Thus, these efforts of conducting a census in 1872 are supposed as the first census to be conducted in India. While this was not the asynchronous census, the first synchronous census is said to be conducted in 1881. After that, an unbroken chain of census gives India a unique status in history.
Also, the last census conducted in India was the 15th census of India. Furthermore, the Indian census organization is known as the largest administrative census body in the world. Indian census is unique than the rest of the world.
This is because there are various socio-economic factors that are considered in the Indian census as well. It covers social, demographic, and economic data of India.
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Facts of Census 2011
The census of 2011 was released by union home secretary in New Delhi. This was the 7th number after the Independence and 15th overall. ‘Our census, our future’ was the motto of the last census. The first census in India was conducted in 1872.
Also, the overall cost of census this time around was Rs. 2200 crore. Based on the present census the total population of India is 1.2 billion. While the total population in the world is 7 billion. Also, China and India together have 2.5 billion of the population.
Some of the most populous states of India are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal, and Andhra Pradesh. While the least populous is Lakshadweep, Sikkim, Daman and Diu, Andaman and Nicobar islands.
There were two phases in which the census of India was conducted. One population enumeration and other is house listing and housing census. The population emersion census was conducted from 9th to 28th February 2011.
While the house listing and housing census were conducted from April to September 2010. Also, the total count of administrative units under census 2011 was
- 35 numbers of states/UTs
- 640 number of districts
- 5924 number of sub-districts
- 6.41 lakhs of villages
- 7936 number of towns
Facts about cities in Census 2011
The most populated city based on the last census was Mumbai in Maharashtra. While the least populated was Kapurthala city in Punjab. Also, for sex ratio, Kozhikode had the highest sex ratio and Bhiwandi had the least sex ratio. The highest literacy rate in India is Bhiwandi city with 98.7 percentage.
District facts in Census 2011
The most populated district in India in Thane district in Maharashtra. While the least populated is the Dibang valley in Arunachal Pradesh. Furthermore, the highest population growth was noticed in the Kurung Kumey in Arunachal Pradesh with 111 percentage.
The highest sex ratio in the village is in Mahe district of Puducherry. While the lowest sex ratio is in Daman district with less 550 females per 1000 male.
Practice Questions on Population Census
Q. Based on the census 2011 which Indian state had the highest urban population?
A. Madhya Pradesh
B. Punjab
C. Maharashtra
D. Gujarat
Answer:Â C. Maharashtra
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